Chapter One

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          The air was muggy and stuffy with that old attic kind of feel. Kenzie felt cramps spread across her body as she arched her back to undo the knots that where dotted across her pale skin. Opening her eyes light blinded her making her quickly squint. She slowly folded the raggedy blanket off her, careful to not wake her brother, and climbed out of bed. She walked over to her brown cardboard box and took a pair of grey sweats, black running shoes, and red jersey with the number twelve on it. Mindfully she pulled her clothes off replacing them with her "new" ones. Strolling over to the little water pump she pumped a handful of water and splashed it on her face. Finally feeling ready she gave her brother a kiss on the forehead before heading downstairs. Oils of many kinds coated countless inches on the walls and stained the wooden floor. Arriving to her little work table littered with many cold metal tools she cleared room for her picture and using metal pliers placed it on the table out of the red liquid and started to study the photo that developed.

          It was of an old businesses man sitting on a part bench, reading a newspaper with no one else in the shot. The photo gave her chills knowing this man was soon to be dead. Going to the drawers on the other side of the room that looked out of place in this century, she grabbed an envelope and notebook paper out of her drawer of random things she found lying around, tabletops, coins, a pencil, etc. Placing the note on the work table she took her ink pen and began to write in a formal like looking writing but was actually just her sloppy hand writing that she made to look formal.

Dear James:

He is dead.

Total: $90


Kenzie Ace

          Putting her metallic ink pen down she places the note in the white envelope. She then went back to the picture she took earlier this week. Breathing in a big sigh she took her ink pen and began to hover over the man's face. Preparing to rip the bandage off she quickly slashed his face and felt a breeze cross the room. Placing her hands on the end of the table where it starts to sloop down she breathed big breaths preparing herself for reality, she killed a man.

          This was not her first time of course. She had done this many times for her boss, James Linfield. Mr. Linfield was around 26 and an awfully tall man, being around 6'0 foot if Kenzie had to guess, towering over her height of 5'5. He had blonde hair that at the bangs went up with trimmed sides. His orders were simple: Kill the man and send me the picture and payment amount. And she does just that. Its not like she wants to, but it's the only way to help her brother and her. She would also never voluntarily volunteer to work with oil, not after what happened to her parents.

          Placing the photograph in the envelope and sealing it by licking the sticky material she put it in her shoulder bag and opened the creaky door stepping
outside. It smelled of cigarettes and oil. She always hated the smell of oil. This part of town was the worst. Abandoned buildings, cigarette buds, an oil factory down the road, but worst, the people. These people were your typical "don't give a care" type of people. Luckily for them, Kenzie was too. Walking down the sidewalk she saw a moving truck going down the rode. It was weird because most people wouldn't want to come down here, and If they had to they wouldn't have a moving truck full of stuff. Turning the corner and heading left, she saw a woman holding a baby and trying to shush his crying, sadly, it didn't work. After speed waking down the streets she arrived at her destination, the post office.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi! Hope you liked my first chapter of 'Oil Stains.' Like I said before I was aiming for 450-500 words but for whoever's reading this I got 700 for you! I enjoy making this story and got a lot of ideas for the future of it. I hope this chapter cleared up some confusion from the preview XD. Also don't forget to




And I hope you have a perfectly lovely day, and that's all for now, bye!

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