Chapter Two

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The post office was a blinding white, with the logo right in the center. Walking through the front doors there was the annoying ding that sounded. The air smelled of coffee and febreeze. Kenzie heard chatting to her right, seeing Caleb, the post man, talking to a woman behind a counter while behind them a mom and daughter argued quietly. Scoffing at their unimportant childish fighting, she strolled over to the line. One by one the line shortened until it was her turn. When Caleb saw one of his most visited customer, a mischievous smirk crossed his face.

Caleb was a decent looking man, not to tall or not to short, not too much hair and not too little, just plain. Nothing really stood out about him with his medium height, medium light brown haircut that was as plain as the rest of him. The only thing that stood out about him was that stupid smirk. "Now what's my favorite customer doing here today, sending one of your secret notes. If I had to guess, maybe Miss Kenzie is replying to a secret admirer, eh?", he asked in an infuriating taunting tone.

Scoffing for the second time that day, she handed him the letter. "Hmm, not talking today I see, to be expected. I'll make sure to personally get this love letter to your admirer, madam.", he said with a cheeky grin.

Turning around, not sparing him a second glance, she walked to the door. Hearing a loud "Goodbye!" behind her, she quietly whispered under her breath, "Goodbye, Cheeky Grin.", with a small cheeky grin as well.

Walking back home, she saw a man walking towards her, staring right at her. By the way the road works it looks like an x. Right now Kenzie and the man are just apart the street from each other, while her house is to the right. The man looked around sixteen with very dark brown hair that looked like he rolled out of bed and thought that he looked presentable enough, with blue jeans, white tennis shoes, and a green shirt that read, 'Made in Brooklyn' on it. Knowing she couldn't lead the stranger to her house, she turned left into an alley. May not seem like a smart choice, but she didn't have too may options. Hearing footsteps behind her she spun around and seethed, "Who the heck are you and what are you doing?"

The man simply smiled and replied, "Well, trying to save your life of course, seeing as you'll definitely need it. Anyways I think we should start with introductions, I am-"

Before he could finish his sentence Kenzie spoke, "Why the heck would I need protecting, and who the heck are you?"

"Well, if you would let me finish you would know. Now shush. I am Max Taylor, a very high ranking member of a secret organization. Basically I'm Batman but with no bat boomerangs, butler, fancy car-"

"Okay, okay I got it. Now will you answer my question, damn you talk to much!" Kenzie asked very clearly annoyed.

"What did I say about interrupting, hmm. Now listen. James Linfield is planning to come and steal pretty much everything you have, that including your house, secret weapon, brother, and of course you. Now for reasons I cannot share at this time, remember I'm batman so not everything's going to be clear, I have to protect you. So it would be most helpful if you would please go get your bags" ,he said while pointing to her house, only adding to her anger knowing he knew where she lived, "without any trouble, please and thank you.", him ending with a delighted grin. Seriously, how could he say all that and then do that stupid grin.

"Really? You think I'm going to believe your part of a secret organization and a comparison to batman? That's like going up to a child and saying 'Hey follow me into this dark van for candy." Kenzie sarcastically pointed out.

"First I believe I am a worthy comparison to batman and second, this candy is the only way you'll life and everything you care about is saved. Also it wont be as tasteful as candy, this plans not food.", he said while rolling his eyes.

"Ugh!" She exclaimed." I need proof."

"Oh hunny" he said with a smug smile," I got plenty of that."

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi! Sorry for the semi-cliffhanger! XD I really wanted to put some humor into the book cause it was seeming depressing so I hoped this helped. Also don't forget to




And I hope you have a perfectly lovely day, and that's all for now, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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