Chapter 4 Running Into Trouble

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This is hell. Me and Emily have been shopping for two hours and still haven't found the "perfect" dress for me. I'm afraid trying on all these dresses will result in me getting rug burn on my body. "Star! I think i found the perfect dress! For real this time!" I turn from looking at the rack of dresses to see Emily holding out a gorgeous golden dress. "Okay but this is the last one! If this isn't the one then I'm going to that party in a T-shirt and Jeans!" I warn while snaching the dress from her hands and making my waay to the dressing room i havee grown to know. I slip the dress on and turn to the mirror. Who the hell is this? Oh wait it's me. The dress is tight and shows off all my curves just right. It goes to my Mid-thigh and has gems going down the side looking like diamonds. The gold brings out my hazel eyes and makes my pale skin glow almost. My normally dark hair looks even darker. One word can discribe this dress, perfect. "Come on! i wanna see!" i hear Emily say from the other side of the door. I take a deep breath and slowly walk out of the dressing room only to come face to face with Emily looking like a fish out of water. "Um.. Em are you okay?" I ask now uncertain in my conclusion in my dress. "Am I okay!? Dude you're fucking hot as hell! If i was into girls and you weren't my cousin, I'd so do you!" She says while still gwacking at me. At this i burst out laughing "okay... Can we go now? I'm so tired of shopping, plus i think i have a pair of heels and a necklace that'll go with this." I say alrready walking back into the dressing room to change back into my clothes. "Fine.. You're no fun!" She says, i can almost picture the pout that is no doutfully gracing her lips.

I step out of the dressing room and we're on our way to go pay for my dress when i bump into something or should i say someone "Hey! Watch where you're going bitch!" It's the same blonde bimbo from dinner last night, the same bitch that was clinging to MY mate. "Um.. excuse me but you were the one who bumped into me!" I say glaring daggers at the bimbo. "Hey you're the girl that was at dinner last night! Just to make things clear, stay away from Brett. He's mine and I'm going to be his future Luna.. Just so you don't get the wrong idea." And with that she turns away leaving me fuming. How dare she?! He is my mate, MINE! "You have some explaining to do later, but for now lets get out of here." Emily says taking my arm and dragging me to the cash register. We pay and soon we're on our way back to the pack house.

Emily and I are back in my room, she's sitting on my bed while I'm hanging up my new dress. "So spill, what was that about with Summer?" she asks getting right to the point. Summer, so that's the bitches name. "Okay well, last night at dinner i found my mate." I say looking anywhere but at her. "Wait what? Who?! And what does this have anything to do with Summer?" She asks looking confused, "Well, thats the thing, Bretts my mate. He showed up late to dinner and he brought her, he knows we're mates but when he saw me he looked away and looked at her and started wispering in her ear. I couldn't take it anymore and I left early, thats all to it." I say while tears are gathering in my eyes again at remembering the memory. "I guess she must of sensed something between me and him.." I add on. "What. The. Hell?! You mean to tell me you're our future Alpha's mate!? And he didn't even care that you were his mate at all?!" She says now getting pissed. "Yup!" i say popping the "p". I go and sit next to her on my bed "But you can't tell anyone! No one knows besides you and Megan." I say while holding my pinky out. Yes i still believe in pinky promises. "Fine," She hooks her pinky with mine "But I'm going to make you drop dead gorgeous tomorrow night. We'll make sure he's on his knees begging for forgivness." She says with an evil glint in her eyes. "That's the plan." I say and we laugh together, I'm already feeling better.

We talk for a while until she and her family had to leave. I get up and make my way in to my livingroom to see my mom on the phone yet again. I swear she's always on her phone. I turn away and go to the kitchen to my myself something to eat and go back to my room. I change into a tank-top and shots and get in bed. I close my eyes and all i can see is him with Summer laughing and whispering to eachother. I fall asleep with tears falling down my cheeks.

I wake up in the morning and was thankful i had a dreamless sleep. I look at the clock on my nightstand and see it's 12:30pm. It feels good to sleep in, i think as i strech and get out of bed. Todays the day that my plan is going to take action, I'll show that no good mate of mine who's boss! I get up and go to the bathroom and take a nice long shower, letting the warmth of the water relax me. I get out and wrap a towel around me and put my hairr up in a towel. i walk out of the bathroom to see Emily laying on my bed reading some magazine.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I ask while walking to my closet. "I didn't matter if i did or didn't, you were in the shower and wouldn't of known anyway."

Smartass i think. "Anyway! The party starts at 6:30 and sense you took so long in the shower that only gives us 4 and a half hours to get ready!" She says while pulling out a chair and plopping my ass down. Damn i took a long ass shower. "lets get to working on you're hair! And don't worry i brought my own equipment! Now where did i put that hair dryer!?" Kill me now. She gets to working on my hair first blow drying it and is now straightening my hair. Two hours of her doing this and she's finally done, but only with my hair. Now she's working on my makeup. To say I'm nerves would be an understatment, i've never done anything like this before. What if this doesn't work? Stop worrying! my wolf tells me, oh, so you're not dead? i think back to my wolf, she doesn't respond. Oh well. Emily's talking to me about the party and how she's so excited to see Bretts face when he see's me and about how she's going to indroduce me to all her friends. An hour and a half goes by and she's finally done with my makeup. "Okay now go get dressed! But don't look in a mirror yet!" Emily says, I just roll my eyes, and a smile on my face. i go in my closet and quickly get dressed and find some golden pumps and a necklace of a golden heart my dad gave me for my 13th birthday. I walk out to see Emily looking gorgeous in her sweetheart neckline dress she got. It's blue with a hint of green and reaches mid-thigh, it's tight to bring out her curves and then flows out like a too-too (Is that how you spell it?) "Damn!" We both say at the same time and laugh together.

"Okay! Now go look in the mirror!!" she says excitment dripping from her voice. I walk in the bathroom and have to hold in a gasp. My makeup's done in a smokey way but with a hint of gold in it, my lips are left with a nude colored lip stick. My hair is straight and practically reaches my butt. I look stunning. "Emily, I fucking love you and your magical hands!" I say walking back out of my bedroom. "Good, you better love me, I'm family! Now we got to go, the party starts in 30 minutes and it takes 40 to get to the beach! Let's go and teach that mate of yours what he's missing!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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