Hello Mr. Alpha

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                             Chapter One One Promise

"Star your going to be late for school!" my mother shouted up the stairs waking me up from my blissful sleep. Whats wrong with that women its summer! yesterday was the last day of school! "mom... yesterday was the last day!" i souted back colasping back onto the bed where i know i belong. "now back to dreaming about dream guy" i mummbled if that made any sense i mean you cant judge me here i fucking tired here! slowly i fall back asleep and next thig i know im asleep once again. In my dream i dont know why but there was this really attrative guy i was dreaming about. and when i said i was going to dream about dream guy he was no where near this attrative as this man thats standing infront of me. he is sex on a stick even though i am a virgin so i wouldnt really know how that would be like but damn hes hot! He has midnight black hair that hangs in his eyes and his eyes oh his eyes where the most dark blue i have ever seen! they where filled with love adoration affection and even pride. we where sitting under a tree in the shade with me in his lap my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on my waist our chests where pressed up together every inched of our bodies where touching. "I love you Starissa." he said stroking my cheek with his hand that once layed on my waist. i didnt even care that he used my full name at that moment all that matterd was him and his amazing deep silky voice that held love and power. right when i was about to reiple i herd a loud BOOM wakening me up from my new favorite dream. I groun as i hear the thunderstorm happening outside. slowly my eyes peer open tp see the rain poring down outside my window. i sighn knowing this will be my last day here before my mom makes me move to michigan with her. meaning new people new school and new pack and also a new alpha all i can hope is that hes not an ass. moost of all i hope no one there is an ass. you see my dad just passed away and my mom wanted to move back to her hometown back to her home pack she said it can be a fresh start for the both of us. yeah right! i finally look at the clock to see that its past 12, damn how long did i sleep?! i quickly hop out of bed and run to the bathroom that connected to my room to shower after all thats done walk into my walk-in closet i pick out a black spaghetti strap top with red writing thats looks like blood that says " i run with the wolfs" how funny right? humans with never suspect a thing. then i pick out some red shorts and a pair of black converses. after im dresses i dont even bother with makeup as i make my way down stairs to the kitchen. i se

see my mom makeing a sandwitch and humming to herself. " oh star your up!" she cherps but you can still hear the raspy in her voice from crying heerself asleep. i just smile to my mom and say " yup mom!" i clear my voice and say "anyways me and Megan are gonna go to the mall today sensse it is my last day here." i say slightly praying shell change her mind and let me stay here! but to my disapointment she only smiled ad said "okay sweethert you to have fun!" and turned back to what she was doing before. i let out a sighn of frustration and walk out the door not before grabing my keys. when i got out side the rain was still beating down hard so i had to run to my car but still by the time i got in my car i was souked from head to toe. " Greaaat" i say thinking whats its gonna be like having to run into the mall even with my wolf speed it would still soukk us. i sudder at that thought and start the engine and backed out of my drive way to head to Megans. when i got to megans i pulled out my new cell phone that i got on my birthday and diled megans number. 3 rings and she picked up.

Megan "hello"

Me "hey girl im here get your ass outside your house."

Mehan "god star you dont have to be so bossy about it!

ME "i am not bossy im just trying to hurry!"

Megan "fine whatever ill be out in a sec love you star"

me "love you too girl"

a few secounds after the phone hangs up i see my best friend make her way to my car. Shes pretty easy to spot with her curly red hair and her unhuman green eyes. shes a wolf just like i am so we know everything about each other from crushes to our wolfs color. Megan opeans the car door and plops in. "Wow! its raining pretty hard out there i dont think mother nature likes that your going." she say trying to joke but failing because you can hear the saddness in her voice."megan what did i say?" i aske very sternly if you asked me. the only resolt that had wad megan bursting out laughing "girl... you... cant... be..serious...if..your...life...depented...on..it.!!!" she says inbetween her giggling. i just let out a huff and drive off "hey megan can you turnn on the music for me?" i say wanting to hear music. she just grins and says "of course." and starts starts talking to the radio? "baby.... have i told you you look so sexy wearing those tight ass thongs...and how bigs you are.. and how good you are at fu-" "okay megan!! just put some music on and what where you tryin to even say i mean 1st you talk about thongs then how big it is? is it a boy or girl?" i say laughing at my idiot of a best friend. finally she puts on some music and says " well its both its a trans sexal it was born a women and became a man duhhh." she says like i was stupied or somthing. i dont even repile i just roll my eyes at that and find us a parking spot. i finally found i good parking spot and parked the car. we both jump out at the same time a use our wolf speed to get to the enternce of the mall. After about an hour of walking around we get thirsty and both say at the same time "I WANT STARBUCKS!" we look at eachother and burst into fits of giggles. "well i know where we're going next!" i say as we make our way where the starbucks is. "no dimp shit sherlock." she says right back at me. i just roll my eyes at that as we finally approtch the starbucks where i swear im in love withh. "hi welcome to starbucks may i take you order ladies?" the guy whos working the casher asked giving us a flirty grin while looking us up and down. "umm... okay well ill have the double choclate chip frapi." Megan says "and can i get a name and maybe your number." the guy says winking at her. right when he said that she got a evil glint in her eyes and said "of course cutie, my naame is Grace and my phone number is 345-768-7200." she says giving him a wink right back. i have to try not to laugh bacause she just gave him the shiirfs apparments direct phone number. "thank you grace. And your totel would be 3.45 if you would be paying for it." he flirts she just smiles and walks away to wait for her drink. when he sees shes out of site he starts to flirt with me "what can i get you sexy?" i just smile suddusly and order a vinilla bean frapi and do the same Megan did to him but my name was Roxxy and the number i gave him was to a help senter where drugies call to finally get some help. he ends up paying for my drink as well and i do the same as Megan and walk away to get my drink.. we both wal off giggling like school girls. "whitch number did you give him?" she ask me inbetween giggles "1-800-DRUGGIE" we laugh once more a coutuinure shopping till the mall closeed and we had to leave on our way back it was silence and by the time we pulled up to her house way to soon to my liking i had to try and hold back my tears dreading that this may be the last time i ever see her. we sat their in silence until megan burst out in tears "im going to miss you so much Star your my best friend and i dont know what im gonna do when your gone. NO your going to call me email me and text me everyday when you meet a boy when your say you will tell me and then if your sad you will tell me whos ass im gonna beat!!!" she says still crying i pull her into a hug and shush her and say"of course i will meg your my best friend why wouldnt i and please dont cry cause then ill cry."i say as i burst out crying as well holding her tighter to me afraid shes going to disapear. we just sit there for as long as we could until she had to go. when she disapeared though her door way i put my car back into drive and drove hom. this will be my last night here in Malabo.

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