Chapter XIX

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- Becca's POV -

After I had the struggle of eating animal crackers one handed, then got pissed off and threw the crackers at the door, having the leftovers fall onto the floor, I was back at tugging on the hundcuff. "I'm going to cut of his dick and turn him into a unicorn with it." I mumbled and then hissed as the handcuff went over a previously made cut by it.

After I threw my head back in frustration then looked back down I caught a glimpse of something shiny across the room, underneath the table. "That's the key.... That's the God damn key..." I kicked the cupboards below me and started mumbling stuff.

I heard Ashton's faint yelling get closer until it was heard from outside the door. I smiled weakly as the door opened. "Dammit Becca...." Michael mumbled. "T-t-the key! Right there!" I pointed towards the table. Niall crawled under, snatching the key and climbing back up in a hurry. He walked over to me and leaned up and unlocked my side. I quickly slid off the counter and lunged at Michael. I didn't care the amount of pain my wrist was giving me, I managed to tackle Michael to the floor, straddling his waist and smacking him, then flicking his forehead.

Niall grabbed my hips, pulling me off him with ease. Michael groaned and Niall grabbed my wrists, folding my arms over my chest then hugging my chest from behind. I struggled to get out of his grip but I was failing miserably.

After I calmed down enough for Niall to release me but stay by my side Michael stood up with an angry expression. "Rebecca! That was payback for the interview last week!" "I know!" I yelled getting angrier.

"I just wanted to have a little fun by scaring you and putting whip cream on your face and you got mad at me for that! So tell me this Michael, which one is worse, handcuffing your 'child' or getting scared and having whip cream on your face?!"

I air quoted child since he's not my legal father, Ashton is.

Michaels expression softened he took a tiny step forward and apologized. I rolled my eyes, scoffed and walked out. I walked down the middle of the road since the road was pretty abandoned and nearly no one drives on it. I walked along the yellow line looking down. I licked my lips and noticed something salty. Those animal crackers didn't have salt on them. That's when I realized I was crying. I looked up and squeezed my eyes shut. I kept walking, finally opening my eyes.

I shivered as the wind brushed past me. I rubbed my wrist, feeling a stinging sensation after every cut I passed. I heard feet thudding and I spun to look at Niall. "You okay?" He asked handing me his sweater. I slid it on while speaking, "Mentally or physically?"


I looked up at him with the tears taking over my vision. "Shh.. Its okay..." He pulled me into a hug and gripped his shirt, starting to sob.

He rubbed my back soothingly, sighing and kissing the top of my head. "D-d-does Michael h-hate m-m-me?" I stuttered out. If I sob, I began to stutter as I try to catch my breath. "No sweetie.... he was just upset that's all. He feels really bad for doing that to you.." He whispered on my head.

I sighed. "I-I'm sorry if I o-o-overreacted." I sputtered. "You didn't babe.... it's okay.." I pulled my head out from his chest and looked up. I looked a deep breath. I watched him as he looked at me. I love the way he stares at me so contently. "Niall..." I mumble.

I looked down and then bit my lip. "Yeah?"

"I love you.." I say finally.

- Nialls POV -

I smiled weakly and moved my hands to cup her face. "I love you too.." I then kissed her. She moved her hands to my waist still kissing me. We pulled back just a bit, our lips still touching but mouths open catching our breath.

We pulled back and her eyes fluttered open. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me like that. I reached down, held onto her thighs and she jumped, and she wrapped her legs to my side still hugging me. I held her up by her thighs. I walked back to the bus, carefully. I opened the door carefully and then walked in and sat on the couch, Becca now straddling me. She didn't stop hugging me.

Pulled her arms off from around my neck and pulled them to her, laying on me and resting her head on my chest. Michael sat down and was about to speak but Becca cut him off.

"Michael. There is no need to apologize. I understand now. Its okay. I may of overreacted." She pats his arm and smiles, pulling her arm back to her laying on it. I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. Michael got up and the boys went to hang out in the bunks. Probably cuddling.

"Niall?" She asked, sitting up. "Yeah?"

"Whats going to happen when you have to go back with the boys in a couple days?" She asked tears forming in her eyes again. I sighed.

I have been dreading this moment... "I have no idea Rebecca..." I kissed her forehead and gave her a forced smile. "We have to talk about it.." she mumbled. "I know... I know.." I kissed her quickly. "We can try long distance? Face timing every night and day. Texting. Surprise visits.." I mumbled again. "But what if it doesn't work out?" She asked looked up tears now sliding down her cheeks.

"Well no matter what, I love you baby girl..." I say, then kissed her sweetly. A tear fell down my cheek. I then pulled back and kissed her forehead then hugged. I didn't let go and I squeezed my eyes shut. I leaned back and got more comfortable with her in my arms. She moved to where she was sitting across my lap,her legs on the couch but still hugging me. I rested my face on the top of her head. I felt her breathing slow down and her faint snore was barley loud enough for me to hear over the others in the bunk room.

I dozed as well, falling asleep not long after.


Hey babes! I apologize so much for not updating lately. Schools been hard. Really hard. And I've been upset because my grandpas in the hospital and my friends are all cutting themselves. And I'm just feeling really shitty lately.

So how are you guys? Talk to me... I feel lonely...

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