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-Next Morning (Monday)-

I woke up shivering. I looked over. Gerald's not laying next to me. I stood up and walked downstairs. There was a note on the counter.

Morning baby.

Had an early studio sesh.

I'll be back around 6pm.

What to do to pass the time? I went over to Tori's and we went out to have brunch. I then went back to our house and the maid was there. G came home but it's only 3pm. "Hey babe." He said kissing me. "I have to go back but I came to ask you. Tomorrow I'm going to visit my mom. And I wanted you to come with me." He said. "Meet your mom?" I asked and he chuckled. "Don't worry. She's gonna love you." He said. "I don't know." I said. "Babe please." He said. "Okay." I said. "We're gonna be there for a week." He said. "A week!? You couldn't have told me earlier Gerald!" I questioned. "Babe chill." He said.

"You're not the only one who has a job Gerald! I have a photoshoot Thursday! An interview Friday and an appearance Saturday!" I said getting pissed. "Well work something out." He said. "You're unbelievable." I said. "Why you so pissed?" He asked. "My job is important Gerald!" I said. "All you do is model." He said as if it wasn't my life. "All I do is model? Really Gerald! That's my life! I busted my ass for years just to get where I'm at in my career!" I yelled. "Whatever. I'll be back later." He said walking out. ​​​I cried. Not because I'm hurt but because of frustration.

What pissed me off even more was that he never came back. At 12am I went on Snapchat and he was out clubbing. I fucking stayed packing and making calls for him. To leave with him tomorrow and he's out partying. Can someone please remind me what I'm still doing with him? I don't feel like sleeping in the same room as him so I went to the other side of the house and laid down in another room.

Gerald's POV-

I got home at around 1:30am which is now. I walked up to my room and Sut isn't in here. I noticed her luggage though. She's going. But where is she? Is she still pissed at me? I went into every single room and panicked as I didn't see her in any. I opened the last one and sighed of relief. She must still be pissed since she's in the farthest room from ours. I went into my room and laid down. It's best I give her space.

-Next Morning (Tuesday)-

Sutton's P.O.V~

I didn't feel like cooking so I got some cereal. Gerald walked in. Should I acknowledge his presence or should I pretend like I don't see him. Either way, he has to apologize. He grabbed a bowl with cereal and walked out. Okay then. It's 12 and he said we'd leave at 1. I went to take a quick shower. I changed into a plain white shirt, denim shorts, a burgundy jacket, and a black purse.

I walked out and Gerald was putting our luggage in his car. I got in the passengers seat. He pulled up into the Starbucks drive-thru not asking what I wanted. "Can I get a venti Caramel Frappe. A venti Java Chip extra whip cream. A blueberry muffin and a red berry Danish." He ordered 2 of my favorite items. The Danish and the Java Chip. If this is his way of saying sorry, it's not good enough. I want to hear him say it. He set the drinks in the cup holders and handed me the Danish. ''Thanks....'' I said.

-5 & A Half Hours Later-

I got out and walked next to Gerald. I'm not gonna have my bitch face in front of his mom. He opened the door and walked in. "Gerald!" She yelled as she hugged him. "Hey momma." He said. "You must be Sutton. So good to finally meet you." She said hugging me and I smiled. "Hi." I said. "You guys can take Gerald's room. It's been remodeled and has a bigger bed." She said and I followed G up there.

"So." He said and I looked out the door. "Don't think you're cool with me because you're not." I said. "I'm sorry Sutton." He said. "For?" I asked. "I thought about it. You're right. I should've told you earlier so you had time to reschedule. It was a dick move. I'm sorry." He said and I sighed. I don't like being mad at him. "It's fine. Not really but I forgive you." I said. "What'd you do?" He asked. "I switched the interview date. The appearance, I let fans down. They kicked me off of the photo shoot." I said. "I'm so sorry baby." He said hugging me. "It's whatever." I said. "Guys! Dinner's ready!" Said Suzanne. "Let's go." He said pecking my lips.

"Gerald's told me so much about you." She said and I turned to Gerald. "They're all good things. I promise. You have no flaws." He reassured me and I blushed. "He says how amazing you are." She said and I smiled. "He's told me great things about you too." I said and he really has. Just like how she'd work hard to give him and James a great future. She was the only one making income since his dad 'isn't shit'. She's truly his hero and I admire that. I had a weight off of my shoulders as the middle of dinner came around. She really is chill and laid back like Gerald said. She's funny too. We had nothing but laughter as we ate. I liker her. I really like her.

We finished dinner. "Boys said they wanted me to hang out. Hope you're not mad." Said G. "Why should I be? They're your friends and you haven't seen them in a long time." I said. "I'd invite you to come but they're all dudes, no girls and I really don't need them hitting on you." He said and his mom laughed. "It's fine. Go have fun. Not too much fun." I warned and he chuckled. "Obviously I won't. You won't be there." He said pecking my lips and walked out.

I'm helping Suzanne dry dishes as she washes them. "You know he really cares about you." She said and I smiled. "I know." I said. "He can be stupid at times. I know he's broken your heart multiple times." She said and I froze. "He came out of me. I know my child more than he knows himself. He can be a douche but he really does care for you. Even when he makes you mad and you think he doesn't give a shit, he still does." She said.

"You know he called me for that one situation. That one photo shoot with that Bieber kid." She said and I looked at her. "He was pissed. But he himself came to the realization and conclusion of how important it was to you. That's when I knew you were the one. He's always so arrogant and cocky. Always wants to be right. Now that he's with you, he's opened his eyes. He see's his mistakes." She said and I felt tears in my eyes. "Aww honey, don't cry." She said and I smiled. "Heart warming tears." I said and she laughed.

"No matter what he puts you through, stick with him please. He's been a mess after Nadia and you're helping him gain back his missing puzzle pieces. There will be mistakes along the way. There's always mistakes in a relationship. Learn to forgive and forget. It's how he makes you feel and how you make him feel that matters. He's been smiling more. You probably didn't notice it, but all throughout dinner he'd turn to look at you and just smile when he didn't think I'd notice but I did. Deep down he's a great guy. Pretty sure you've seen that side. Keep that side in mind for as long as you can." She said and I smiled and nodded.

After washing the dishes, we sat at the dining table and I never thought I'd do this, but I told her every single thing Gerald's put me through. It took hours and we're still sitting here. "Look at it this way. You're his first serious relationship in a long long time. Very rocky bumps will be in the road. No doubt in that. This doesn't really surprise me. But what did surprise me, was when he called me and told me he wanted me to meet you. I have never met any of his girls since.. Nadia. And you know what, I really like you. You keep him sane and he keeps you sane. What's that phrase? You're yin and yang. Bonnie and Clyde. Thelma and Louise. No wait, they're friends. Oh you get what I mean." She said and I laughed.

"My point is, neither of those that I named, would be the same without the other. Your relationship balances both of you out. Keep it that way." She said. "Thank you so much." I said and she hugged me. Gerald came in. "Aww look at my 2 favorite girls are getting along." He said and both Suz and I smiled. "I'm heading off to bed. Thank you so much. Good night." I said standing up. "I'm gonna talk to mom. I'll be up in a while but go to sleep." He said giving me a good night kiss. "I love you." He said. Woah. In front of his mom... "I love you." I said pecking his lips one last time before heading up to the room. I didn't feel like eavesdropping because I really am tired so I went to sleep.

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