Broken Heart Syndrome

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-2 Weeks Later-

"Hey babe! Can you come i​n here for a sec!?" I asked from the kitchen. He came in just moments later. "Whaddup?" He asked. "So next week I'm going to Paris for fashion week. They asked if I wanted to be in it and I said yeah. Just wanted to run it passed you." I said. "That's amazing babe." He said. "Wanna come?" I asked. "You see I'd love to and all... but I have a photo shoot, an interview and an appearance scattered throughout next week." He said. "Oh, okay. That's fine." I said. "Who's going with you?" He asked. "Just Tori and Cara's also going to be in it." I said.

-Next Thursday-

I told Gerald that I was going to Paris for fashion week. It's all true. Except I didn't tell him that I was only in it for the first 3 days. I just landed and I'm on my way back home to surprise him. It's 8am and I doubt he's up. As we neared the house, I got my camera ready. I slowly opened the front door and crept upstairs. I gradually opened the bedroom door and dropped my camera causing it to break. The noise startled them both. "Oh shit Sutton." He jumped out of bed as the girl sat up and covered her bare chest with our sheets.

"How could you?" I calmly asked as the tears built up. "Baby don't cry." He said walking towards me. "Don't come any closer." I warned. "Sutton." He said. "I loved you!" I yelled as I cried. "Baby you know I love you too." He said. "I leave the country for a few days and you think it's okay to fuck someone else!?" I yelled in frustration. "Sutton." He said. I turned and ran down the stairs. I grabbed my keys and stormed out. My phone rang. Gerald. I kept driving. I went home. My tiny home. God how I missed my apartment. I sat in the middle and cried. I poured my heart out.

Tori came with 2 tubs of Ben&Jerry's. Cookie Dough for me and Chocolate Chip for her. I cried even more when I saw the rock on her finger. Spencer had proposed to her. We watched sad movies all day long. Such as, My Girl, P.S. I Love You, The Notebook, The Fault In Our Stars and the legendary Titanic. Tori cried. But I bawled my eyes out. I convinced her to stay the night.​

-Next Morning (Friday)-

Tori made us breakfast in bed. "I can't imagine how you feel." She said. "Everything was going perfectly." I cried. "We haven't fought in weeks and then this!" I sobbed. I suddenly began to loose my breath and my chest ached. "Sutton. Sutton!" Said Tori as I gasped for air. She quickly dialed 911. "Scout Street, Los Angeles, apartment 212. Send an ambulance! My best friend is having trouble breathing." She yelled into the phone. "No she's not allergic to anything... I'm sure! She's struggling to catch air." She said. "Okay. Sutt, they're 3 minutes away." She said. Pretty soon the paramedics were practically knocking down my door.

Neighbors came out as I was being rolled on the gurney. "You're gonna be alright Sutton." Said Paramedic one. "Just work with me okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Take a deep breath in and then out." He said turning to look down at me. I tried to. I felt my eyelids get heavy. "Sutton stay awake with me here." He said. "Has this ever happened before?" He asked and I shook my head no. "Are you allergic to anything?" He asked and again with the head shaking. "You're gonna have to bear with me here and stay awake. You can't sleep on me." He said.

"Oh look, 'Sutton Wilde falls into the hospital​. Could it be a possible overdose?' I swear these people have no life." She said reading the news on her phone and I laughed. I've been in here for 4 hours and the doctor still won't tell me what is wrong with me. I feel better. Except for the tension in my chest. I feel a heavy weight on it still. Gerald called me and I ignored his calls. Probably a bad idea so I texted him that I was okay... I hope.

The doctor came in. "So Ms.Wilde, we ran multiple analysis just to make sure. What happened to you is rare.. have you lost anyone dear to your heart recently?" She asked. "Not that I know of, no." I said. "Gerald.." Said Tori. "I mean I just broke up with my boyfriend." I said looking down at my hands. "Ah so that's where this falls into place. I'm not sure if you've heard of Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy. Also known as Broken Heart Syndrome." She said and I laughed. "Oh wait, you're serious?" I questioned. "Afraid so. It's very rare actually." She said. "Is there any way to cure it?" I asked. "Yes there is. I'm afraid we'll have to keep you here for a few days monitoring your heart. It can lead to short term heart mucle failure." She said and I panicked.

"Which is why we're keeping you here for a few days. A part of your heart enlarged and doesn't pump well. Recovery takes a couple weeks. If we see that your heart is still enlarged by the next 2 days, we're gonna have to keep you longer. If it's reduced then you're free to go as long as you take a heart monitor with you everywhere you go for a while. It'll beep if your stress level immediately increases. Remove yourself from any situations that you're in and take deep breaths. I also don't want you drinking any alcohol for 2 months. I'd recommend not being sexually active for the next 2 and a half months." She said. "Okay.. Thank you." I said. I called my worried family who were on their way here. I tweeted.

@Sutton_Wilde : Hey guys! Sorry for the scare. Im ok! Promise​ it WASNT an overdose -.-

@Sutton_Wilde : I'll be out in a couple days. Stay strong with me guys! I love u all!

My family bursted through the door with balloons and flowers and gifts. Spencer trailed behind them. Mom, dad, Luke, Sage, Carly, Sissy, my grandma Mable, aunt Catherine, uncle Joseph, and Spencer. "Oh honey what happened?" Asked my mom after all the greetings. Tori told them. "That's an actual thing?!" Asked Sissy. "So it's Gerald's fault?" Asked Luke. "I really don't want to talk about that." I said. "And we wont." Said my mom giving Luke the look. Tori and Spencer went out to get me food. "How was fashion week?" Asked Sissy. "It was fun. Got to walk alongside Cara." I said.

Tor and Spencer walked in with a bunch o​f stuffed animals, more balloons, and more gifts. "Fans are outside. Like a lot. A team of security had to be called and we felt bad they brought all this so we decided to bring it in." Said Spence. "Oh my gosh." I said. I decided to tweet again.

@Sutton_Wilde : Cuties are outside of the hospital with gifts. I love u guys sm!!!

@Sutton_Wilde : I love y'all but pls dont come to the hospital. I dont want y'all in trouble.

I got a text from Gerald.​

G- What hospital u @ ??

S- I dont want u to come

G- Y not?

S- B/C ur the reason Im in here​..

G- ???

S- I dont need this anxiety especially rn.. pls leave me alone

G- I love u

It broke my heart. It really d id.

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