Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

After Keira and the girls spent twenty minutes in the changing rooms, Keira finally able to convince the girls that she had run into her bedroom door and the three of them re-covered the bruise and cuts, they left the changing rooms and went back to the table. None of the boys seemed to notice how long the girls took, for which Keira was thankful. She didn't want to have to lie to all of her new friends.

In Keira's study session, after biology, she tried to get all of her homework done that she didn't get the chance to do last night because of her father. She didn't have a lot to do, just a couple of Math questions and she had to read a book for English, but she could read the book at home tonight, if her father left her alone that is. What she really needed to do was catch up to everyone else. She missed about two weeks worth of school work due to the move. Keira was just happy that all the stuff she did at her last school, they were doing now at this school, so she already knew what to do. She just had to copy what she'd previously done and change it a little to suit her teacher's requirements.

She was so into her work that she didn't notice that Jared had joined her at her table and that he had called her name three times now.

"Keira!" he yelled again.

She jumped at the loud tone and momentarily forgot that her father wasn't at school with her, she was safe here. Keira panicked a little, but instantly calmed down when she saw Jared staring at her with a concerned and worried look.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you; I was just trying to get your attention."

"It's ok, I scare pretty easily," she smiled at Jared and laughed a little to lighten the mood.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "I noticed."

Keira smiled at him and when he smiled back, her heart flustered and if possible, her cheeks may have also heated up a little. She looked away from him and went back to her work, but still payed attention to the beautiful boy beside her. "So what's up?" she asked.

"Well, this weekend I'm having a sleepover at my place and I was wondering if you wanted to come over as well." Keira glanced up at him and Jared was blushing bright red and running his hand through his hair. "All the guys are coming over and my sister's is gonna be home and Lacey is coming over as well, so you're not gonna be the only girl there, so..."

"I'll have to ask my parents, but I would love to." Keira watched as he let out a breath, relieve that she had said yes. She could see the Jared really wanted her to come over, so she prayed that her father was in a good mood and would let her go over to her friend's house.

Thankfully Jakob and Keira got home before their father this time. Keira was upstairs in her room, just finishing her homework when she heard her father come inside. She waited to see what he would say or do. Depending on what he did would determine what kind of mood he was in.

"I'm home!" he announced. He didn't sound angry, but still she waited. "How was school kids? Did you learn anything?"

She released a breath and relaxed. The only time he asked how school was when he was in a good mood. She quickly got up and ran down the stairs and stopped in front of her smiling father. He still looked scary, but with that smile, anyone would smile back at how happy he looked.

"School was great father," she said. "We're learning the same thing I did back at my old school, so not really learning anything new."

"Oh well, easy marks that way," he laughed and Keira laughed with him. This was the father that she loved to have around. She still didn't understand why he acted the way he did sometimes, but as long as he wasn't like that all the time, she was happy at home.

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