Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Two months later

A lot has changed for Keira and her newly found family. For week and weeks after her brother Jakob left her to live a life away from horrible memories, Keira was very depressed. Back at her proper home with her proper family, she had locked herself away in her room, away from prying and pitying eyes.

Keira couldn't stand those looks she would always get from her parents, so she never let anyone in, not even Daniel. There was one person she let in, well, one person who managed to get in despite her desperate attempts at trying to kick him out. Jared. After the first four days of Keira locking herself away, he climbed through her bedroom window while she was asleep-much to her shock and annoyance-with Daniel's permission and wouldn't leave her alone until she finally broke down and cried in his arms.

Then they shared every little detail about each other until there was no secrets. No surprise that it brought them closer together and now they were together as a couple. This annoyed Daniel to no end, who was no forced to see them hugging and sometimes kissing each other almost every day. But inside, he was happy that his little sister was finally happy for once in her life.

Donald and Karen of course, couldn't be happier that their long lost daughter was finally home where she belonged, but they ignored their instinct to stay near her and let her have her own space until she was ready. Now Karen and her daughter go out every weekend to go shopping for clothes, shoes and whatever else they could think of. They had a lot of catching up to do. Donald, whenever he had the day off work, would now take Keira out for lunch, sometimes with Daniel too, if he wanted to. And of course, every day at school, Daniel, Jared and all their friends were glued to Keira's side, as if they were afraid she was going to leave again.

Even though Keira felt smothered by all the contact, she felt loved for once in her life. She felt like she mattered, like she wasn't there just for someone's entertainment.

Keira, of course, missed her brother Jakob every day, but sometimes he would call to let her know when he was in a new place; he was now traveling the world, seeing everything there was to be seen. He wanted to forget everything that he was forced to do to his own sister, forget the pain he caused and forget the pain he allowed to happen. Keira didn't blame him of course, but he wouldn't see reason and still left.

Keira was brought out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. She was sitting in the lounge room of her new home with her family, watching a movie that she couldn't remember the name of. She wasn't even paying attention to it at all. Keira got up from the couch, saying she will get the door and opened the door to see a face she thought she would never see again.

Lily, Keira's adopted mother, stood at the door.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, still trying to wrap her head around what she was seeing. Daniel and their parents came up behind her to see what was going on. When they saw Lily, they froze in shock too. She didn't look like she used to. There were fading bruises on her face and bear arms and she was so pale and skinny, that she looked sickly.

"I knew that you wouldn't be listening to anything that even mentioned your father-" She signed and stopped for a moment. "Sorry. I mean Phil, so I decided to come here and tell you that he's had his trial and is being put in jail for ten to fifteen years, depending on his behaviour."

"What happened to you?" asked Daniel. He was the only one that managed to break out of their state of shock to ask that question. Everyone else, including Keira, was still surprised and happy about the news that the completely forgot about the bruises.

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