Bedtime (FuyuhikoXNagitoXReader)

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WARNING:Contains swearing due to Fuyuhiko's FANTASTIC language.
Sorry if their OOC

I couldn't believe it, all because of ONE thought they suggested I had someone look after me. That one person turned into two people because of the choice I made, I had chosen Nagito so I can have a private convosation with him but they insisted on me having a second person. They decided to shove the Ultimate Yakuza Fuyuhiko to look after us, it's been about an hour now and they have been bickering about something.

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP" I yelled out at the too boys storming off into the bathroom.
"Hey (Y/N)-Chan I'm sorry but Fuyuhiko is not being very "hopeful" about the situation." The white haired teen had an apologetic look while the blonde haired teen looked as if he was ready to slap Nagito.
"The fuck are you saying, you should stop talking about all this "Hope" bullshit." They started again, I decided to walk out and slap them both before it got out of hand.
"Will you two just nock it off already." They both had a look of surprise at my sudden out burst.

"Attention it is now 10PM so go to bed you little shits" the Monokuma announcement had ran and I decided to just lie down with... Nagito and Fuyuhiko?
"What are you two doing" i tried pushing them away but they refused.
"We have to apparently stay with you for the night" Nagito had already snuggled up against me while Fuyuhiko had decided to hold my Arm?
"Fuyuhiko are yo-"
"(Y/N) if you say a fucking word I won't forgive you" The Yakuza was quick to interrupt before snuggling into my arm like a child.

I sighed realising just how adorable the two were, I decided to kiss both their foreheads before drifting off.

Sorry for OOC but come on Fuyuhiko is adorbs like that =3

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