Reserved in Love (Hajime HinataXShy Reader) (Edited)

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This story was requested by SandwichKitten . Thank you for the suggestion.

"Y/N? Hey Y/N are you ok?" I was snapped back into reality after zoning out in class, I blushed a little and nodded at Hajime.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine H-Hajime." he showed me the notes that I had missed and showed me how to do the work, it always goes like this but I feel bad every time.

I walked around the school going to the library to read but only to be stopped by "The Queen of the School" Junko Enoshima.
"Um who like said that you could come this way?" I put my head down looking at the ground.
"N-No One..."
"Exactly! Now why don't you go to your little reserve course class and stay there."
"Yes I will... I-I'm really s-sorry." I stepped back looking down. Before I knew it one of the ultimates were defending for me while another held me in their arms.
"How dare you make Y/N feel your despair, it's absolutely disgusting to do that to such an innocent girl." the one who had said that was the Ultimate Luckster Nagito Komaeda, he was an interesting boy but sort of scared me with the way he acted.
"Come on let's get you back to your dorm, this might take awhile." I heard the voice of the person holding me making me realise it was Hajime. I nodded and walked with him.

We make it back to my dorm and I sat down on my bed and I looked down.
"Why does she treat us like this? We're no different to any normal student, it's just we don't have talents yet." I curled up tearing up.
"I hate it here, I just want to go home." I stared crying as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as if they were protecting me.
"Don't listen to anything they have to say, they're wrong. Yes we're talentless but it doesn't stop us from going here." Hajime tried to cheer me up and I hugged into him crying into his chest.
"Y/N I want you to smile and be happy, I hate seeing you filled with such despair... I want to make you feel happy... Because... Because..." I looked at Hajime as he tried to get his words out. He was blushing as red as a tomato.
"I love you Y/N... I love you more than anything in this world." I blushed as he said his words. I looked at him but looked away feeling nervous.
"I-I-I-I l-love you t-t-too... H-Hajime..." My face went pure red and he held me close. I hugged him and we stayed like that for a little while until he looked at me giving me a light kiss on the lips. I lightly kissed back letting my tears slip out of my eyes. He pulled away looking at me straight in the eyes.
"I love you Y/N."

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated for SOOOOOOOOO long but here's the next chapter. It sort of hard to write this but I managed to write it and sorry if it's short XP


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