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5. Paranoia before Acceptance

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I wandered the party looking for Nate, asking everyone I knew if they had seen him. Some had but were inevitably too drunk to stay focused on giving me further information as to his whereabouts; some were too attached by the lip to someone else to answer me back, while some just plain didn't know where he was.

In essence I was left to my own devices, wandering Brianna's labyrinth of a house to look for my boyfriend that I had only seen twenty minutes ago. Tate and West, the two guys that he had left me to go greet had said that he only stayed with them five minutes tops before he went off with Clarke.

Clarke Stevenson was the friend he had grown up with and was in other words simply his brother from another mother. And father of course.

I didn't like Clarke even before I started to date Nate. He was the typical definition of a womanizer and player. He played with girls like they were disposable chew toys and didn't treat them any better than he would a stray dog. Clarke was good looking, I accepted that, but being good looking didn't give you the right to walk all over anyone you please. Six months into my relationship with Nate and I still didn't like him, despite Nate begging for me to give Clarke a chance.

In their friendship, Clarke was the bad influence. He was always the mastermind of anything that got Nate into trouble. Nate was the sweet guy that couldn't say no.

After Tate and West told me that they had disappeared together, I hastened my search, hoping to get to them before Clarke convinced Nate to do something bad. Just like the incident that had happened three months ago, where Clarke had convinced Nate to slash Mr Phillip's car tires because he had given him a D in their pop quiz. Clarke tended to blow things out of proportion and thought that ideally the world revolved around him.

After ten minutes of tiring search I stumbled across Clarke on the far east end of the second floor, smoking as he leaned against the door to the master bathroom. The stench of the lit cigarette made me cringe as I maintained enough space to allow fresh air to enter my lungs.

He smirked as he spotted me, removing the cigarette from his mouth and blowing a huff of disgusting smoke towards me. "Well, lookie here. If it isn't little miss princessa," he gritted out before he stuffed the cigarette back into his mouth and took a huge breath. Undeniably he also couldn't stand me. We only tolerated each other when Nate was around, but when he wasn't, we loathed each other. It was an all-out glare con.

"Where's Nate?" I asked him as I took a step back when he breathed out another lungful of toxic air. I didn't need the numerous amounts of health disasters the fumes would cause me.

"Somewhere better than hanging out with your self-righteous self, princessa," he replied, smirking as he nodded to the door behind him.

"What did you do to him?" I asked as I rushed towards the door. For all I knew he could have drugged Nate and left him in there to take care of himself, or Nate could be smoking inside there right now.

"Stay away from this, little girl," he warned as he pulled me back and gave me a stern look. "It's best you go back to your perfect little friends and wait for prince charming to come get you."

"Move out of the way Stevenson." I glared at him as I pushed him out of the way.

"Trust me, you don't want to go in there." He gave me a meaningful look as he placed an arm out to bar my entrance.

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