Chapter. 4

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Hey guys! So I hurt my pinky finger, I ruptured the nail bed and the nail is off, its bruised and pretty sore so updates will be quite slow. I need to just get on with my writing though and will be updating as soon as I physically can. Um, yeah that's all really. So here's the chapter, enjoy:)


It's been 2 days since the battle rounds. I've been with Jake quite a lot. He's really nice. He is kind, caring, sweet, funny, polite, the list is endless. Today we are filming the video clips for the show so everyone is required to be at the studio at 10am sharp. I'm going early to see Jake though. We need to be careful because it's risky in case someone see's us. Danny hates me being with him, he is the only other one that knows. I roll out of bed and quickly get showered and dressed wearing black skinnys and crop top that says 'Dope' on it. I bet Will is going to like it. I head down to the studios early as planned and I see Jake waiting for me in the entrance hall.

"Hey," I smile as I see him.

"Hi," he replies. He seems off. There must be something wrong.

"Um, can we talk somewhere?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I have noticed that he does this when he is nervous.

"Yeah, let's go to my dressing room," I told him. We walked there in absolute silence. When we got there Jake sat down on the small sofa at the back of the room.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, sitting down beside him.

"I'm going to have to pull out of the competition," he started. "I can't find the time to practice. My friend kicked me out for not having the rent on time and I have been spending all my time looking for somewhere to stay. I can't find anywhere and I have no where to rehearse."

"Can't you find anywhere?" I asked, worried.

"No, I've been searching but there is no where," Jake confessed.

How could I help him. If he left the competition that meant we could see each other properly, but people would question our relationship on the show. I wouldn't really have the time to see him outside of work and I wouldn't want him to leave because of me. I needed to help him, but what could I do?

"You can stay with me for a bit if you like," I said without thinking.

"Really? You'd do that for me?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah," I told both him and myself.

We sat and chatted about how this would work. He would simple grab his bag from the entrance and come home with me. We talked and kissed until 9.45 and then Jake left so we wouldn't get caught out.

Filming was long and draining, it took hours. Finally it was over and we were free to leave and Jake and I left. 

"Thanks for this," Jake said kissing me as we stepped out of the elevator.

"It's okay," I reassured him.

We got in and I made us dinner, lasagna and chips. Once we ate we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie together. After having a playful argument about what we should watch we settled on watching Iron Man 3. Jake loved it, it was the first time he had seen it, I had seen it loads. At 7.35 the movie ended and Jake said he needed to go see someone. I wanted to ask who but at the same time I didn't in case he thought I was the clingy high maintenance type of girlfriend who wants to check in with you evey 2 seconds. I just let him go without saying anything. After he was gone 5 minutes my phone started beeping, letting me know someone was calling. The Script's album cover popped up informing me that it was Danny.

"Hello, London rehabilitation center how can I help you?" I joked around.

"Ha ha, funny Jess," Danny moaned.

"Maybe you shouldn't drink so much then," I teased.

"Hey, I'm not drinking now!" he defended himself.

"Then why are you calling Mr. Drunk?" I asked.

"Am I not allowed to call my best friend for a chat?" he asked.

"Hm, maybe."

"What are you doing? Can I come over?" Danny asked.

"Beer-less?" I giggled.

"Yeah, whatever tickles your fancy," he told me.

"I honestly don't care Dan," I replied.

"Okay, see you in 5," Danny said before hanging up.

Sure enough Danny arrived soon after our phone call although he brought himself 4 Guinness. It looked as if he was going to be staying a while so I text Jake to let him know to stay out a little bit longer.

To; Jake

Hey, you don't mind pro-longing your outing babe? Danny's here and it would be awkward if you came home while he was still here because he doesn't know. Thank you :)

- Jessie

He replied shortly saying that it would be okay and he wouldn't be home until late anyway, so I told him that I would leave the door on the latch. 

"So how did filming go today?" Danny asked.

"Slow, how about you?" I wondered.

"Yeah it was good, I took them to see the guys," he confessed.

"They guys as in Mark and Glen?" I questioned.

"Yep," he replied.

"Sounds fun," I said.

"Yeah, it was okay," Danny told me, getting up to get another beer out of the fridge. On the way back he spied Jake's bag. Crap! I forgot to put it somewhere out of sight.

"Who's is that?" He asked when he came back to sit beside me.

"Uh," I tried.

"You didn't did you?" Danny questioned.

"I didn't what?"

"Ask him to move in? Jess it's too soon, and the boy is trouble I know he is," Danny lectured me.

"Danny, he had no where to go, I wasn't going to let him go homeless and you don't even know him so how can you say that?" I defended.

"You don't know him any better than I do," he snorted.

"Yes I do!! I exclaimed.

"How?" he asked.

"We have been seeing each other before and after every filming and rehearsal," I confessed.

"Your getting far to involved with him!" Danny argued.

"Well what if I want to!" I challenged.

"Why would you want to? Your young! You could do far better! The more involved you get with him the more he can hurt you Jess," Danny shouted.

"Your young too, you settled down with Irma," I yelled back.

"Yes, and look where that got me - a doctors line for depression for 3 months and a broken heart," Danny shrugged, obviously hurt by what I said.

"Danny, I'm sorry. I just- Maybe you need to find someone else and move on," I tried to patch things up.

"I'm waiting for 'the one', just like you should be doing," he told me.

"I think I have found him Danny," I sighed.

"Maybe you have, but it wouldn't be like this if you had," Danny mumbled. "I should go."

With that he left. I was upset, it had been the 2nd argument I have had with him in a week. I don't know how he didn't see that Jake made me happy. I was happy with him, but it upset me when Danny couldn't see that and we ended up arguing over it. I couldn't be bothered any more so I just went to bed and had a restless night's sleep.

A/N: Hey guys, so let me know how you think that turned out, any criticism is welcomed as long as you provide reasons or it is constructive. It's not edited just spell checked because of my finger, it too me ages to write and I now don't have the time to edit. Let me know how you think it went. Thanks:)

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