Chapter IV

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Warning: More italics are coming. Talks more about rape and how people can be dicks about it.

He was the only person he could turn to. Chance's immediate family had already made it clear that they want nothing to do with him. They didn't even help him get a decent lawyer, even though there was no question that they could afford one. They just washed their hands clean of him, like the dirt beneath their fingernails.

But his cousin was different. They were the same age and very close, more so than his own brother and sister. He knew Reginald wouldn't let him down. Nonetheless, a hard knot in his throat formed as the phone began to ring.


Relieved, Chance released his breath. "Reggie. Thank god you answered. It's me, Chance."

"Chance? What... I haven't heard from you since... uh..."

" I know. I'm sure everyone's heard about it."

There was a long silence on the line. Chance would had thought the call was disconnected if it wasn't for his cousin's breathing. Finally, Reggie let out a long sigh. "You know Dad don't want me talking to you, either."

"I know. I'm sorry. I just need one favor and I'll take care of myself after that. Your girlfriend, Daria. Her dad is still a judge, right?"

"Chance, there's no way to change your sentence without another hearing."

"I don't want that. I just... please... can you find a way for me to have my one cell? After that I won't bother anyone again."

"Chance, there's no way in hell I can get them involved."

"Can you at least try? I really need my own cell. I can't... I can't." Chance's lips began to tremble as his words got caught in his throat. He swallowed back his sobs, willing himself to speak. "If they say no, I won't bother you again. But at least try, please?"

"Chance, I can't—"

"My cellmate raped me, Reggie."

"What? How... no way."

"He happens almost every night. I can't take it anymore. Please. I need your help."

"What the hell, Chance?! I mean... What did you do, man?"

Chance heart sank into the pit his stomach. He must had misheard his cousin. "What?"

"There must have been something you did for that to happen. I mean, there's no way in hell he'll just do that for no reason."

"Reggie... I didn't do anything! He just..." Chance began to hyperventilate, his hands shaking as he held the phone receiver. "I don't know. He just attacked me."

"You must have liked it or something."

"No! No! Why would I be asking for help!?"

"I don't know. Maybe you're in denial. Ugh... Listen. We can't talk anymore. Just... lose my number."

The sound of the dial tone rang in Chance's ear. Slowly, he hung up the pay phone. Defeated, Chance walked down the prison hall in a trance, his cousin's words branded his mind. He shut his eyes tight, reliving the first night we was raped in his mind's eye. Was there something that he did to entice Bryan to attack him? Was there something he could had done to stop it?

Was it really his fault?


"Perfect," Chance said. "I knew I smelled an oasis this way."

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