Chapter V

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Ironically, Chance found the showers to be his safe haven. He noticed other inmates would slowly clear out at his arrival. Perhaps Bryan was good on his word, and the others knew not to bother him. Chance wouldn't call it a silver lining though. It was a hard blow to the little pride he had left, and it took away his sense of self. He didn't feel like a human being anymore, merely a toy for Bryan's entertainment. Bryan started whenever he wanted, and only stopped when he was finished, relishing in Chance's pain and humiliation.

The water quickly turned lukewarm and he turned off his shower head, watching the cascading water disappear into slow drips from the rusty fixture. Dragging his feet, he made his way to to the corner of the shower room to grab a towel. However, the sounds of footsteps and a familiar voice froze him in place

"I didn't bring any Vaseline, so you better keep your ass wet."

Dread rose in Chance's throat, nearly stopping his breaths. Bryan's assaults had always been in their cell after lights out. It was away from judgmental eyes, in the dark where even he couldn't witness his shame.

Please, Chance thought to himself. Please, not here.

Swallowing a hard knot in this throat, Chance turned towards his tormentor. It was much more worse than Chance expected. Next to Bryan were two other men; a tall Caucasian guy with a shaved head and a dark-haired hispanic guy sporting a short beard. They were all in just their towels and wore the same predatory grin as Bryan.

"You're right, Bryan," the shaved man said. "He does look adorable."

The bearded guy tossed away his towel, his manhood already stiff with anticipation. "He has a nice cock, too." He reached for Chance's member, but Chance quickly backed away from his grab. The bearded man's eyes narrowed into slits, then he turned to Bryan. "Hey, B. I thought you said he'll be obedient?"

"He's just shy." Bryan stepped up and grabbed the back of Chance's head, pulling his raven hair.

Before Bryan could say a threat, Chance let out an almost inaudible whimper. "Please, not here. Not... not with them." The thought made fresh, hot tears swell in his eyes, his body trembling in Bryan's hold.

As expected, it just made Bryan smirk. "There our my buddies, and I owe them a favor. I don't wanna wear you out, so I'm just gonna jerk-off while they spit roast you."

"No... no I can't! I—"

A hard knee in the gut cut off Chance's words of protest. He hunched over in pain, nearly dispelling his lunch.

Bryan cradled him in his arms, a vicious-then-gentle technique he had always done. He leaned into Chance's ear and whispered, "Now be a good boy from my friends."

Chance was blinded with pain, but could feel the other men surrounding him.


The wagon hit a deep hole, tipping the quiver right on Chance's face. Stirred, he opened his eyes, staring at the top of the wagon bonnet. Chance had always traveled alone, so sleeping in a moving wagon was new to him. How on earth Aaron can sleep so soundly, he didn't know.

Chance lifted his body, aching from the cramped, uncomfortable space. He poked his head, watching Aaron drive the wagon with surprising expertise. He thought Julia would give Aaron a hard time, but she warmed up to him rather quickly.

Sensing Chance's movements, Aaron turned around. "You're awake, already?"

"Can't fucking sleep."

"You want me to stop, Chance?"

"Meh." Chance took a seat next to Aaron and took the reins, scanning the landscape with a yawn. The sky was cloudless, a red-orange color from the descending sun. Patches of grass and bushes littered the rocky sand, while the silhouette of a lone acacia tree stood proudly in the distance. "We stop at that tree and call it the night. Maybe the pods are ripe and we can have a snack."

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