Chapter VII

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Afraid of rousing Bryan, Chance laid still for nearly forty-five minutes. Bryan's breath was now steady, his arm draping around Chance's body completely limp. Chance made his move, slipping his legs over the side of Bryan's bed like he did every night. He rose and grabbed his jumpsuit from the middle of the cell floor, careful the fabric didn't make a sound. Almost clothed, Chance had just shoved his arms into the sleeves when Bryan's voice resounded in the darkness.

"Where'd you think you're going?"

"I'm..." Chance paused, chewing his lower lip. "I'm just going to bed."

"I didn't say you can go anywhere."

Chance almost made the mistake of protesting, but stopped himself just in time. Instead, he sucked in a breath, along with the little pride he had left. "May I go back to my bed, Daddy?"

"You learn fast," Bryan chuckled. "That's a good boy. But, I want you where you belong tonight."


A deep growl rumbled in the dark, tiny cell. It was a familiar sound, knew he must tread carefully. However, his feet turned into lead, and he couldn't bring himself to take a single step towards Bryan.

"Don't make me get you."

Fear had lodged his throat shut and Chance became lightheaded from lack of air. He stumbled forward and thankfully, Bryan mistook it for obedience.

"Good boy. Come to daddy."


Chance stirred in the middle of the night, finding himself still tucked in Aaron's arms. It was the same position Bryan used to have him, his way to possess, intimidate, and control Chance. Aaron's embrace, on the other hand, had a much different feel. The tightness in Aaron's hold proclaimed his strength, but Chance didn't feel intimidated at all. Rather, he felt comforted and protected.

Choking back a sob, Chance struggled in Aaron's hold. "Let me go."

"Huh?" Aaron slowly awakened and lifted his body with his forearms. "What's wrong?"

"I... I just can't take this, anymore." Chance broke away and threw his legs over the side of the bed, facing the iron furnace on the opposite wall. It was still lit, but the embers were slowly fading. His body shook from the chill in the air, and Chance fought the urge to return into Aaron's warm body.

He didn't have to fight long, however. As if he read Chance's mind, Aaron wrapped his arms around Chance's shoulders. "Can't take what anymore? What is it, Chance?"

Chance leaned back, his body molding into Aaron's chest. He let out a long breath he didn't realize he held, his words barely above a whisper. "What are you trying to get out of this?"

"Eh?" Aaron released Chance and sat next to him on the bed. "Why can't I just be nice to the person who took me in when I had nowhere to go?"

"You know I was trying to get rid of you. You were just so damn persistent."

"You were just being precautious." Aaron leaned over, but Chance kept his head bowed. Though his face was hidden, Aaron let out a sigh and continued. "And don't forget that snakebite you got in my place."

Chance cut Aaron a glare, but it only made the smirk in Aaron's face grow into a wide grin. "You're so fucking naíve. I took it because I knew I would survive it. If you thought I'll die in your place, then you've misjudged me. I'm just as selfish as the next person, so don't put me on a pedestal."

"Thanks for your honesty."

"Stop it, damnit."

"We've both been through a lot." Aaron returned to the bed and back beneath the covers, the same smile still on his face. "It's all the more reason to look out for each other."

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