Chapter Three

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I think Zayn saw my expression because he slowly lets go of my hand. I sigh and continue watching the movie. Something scaring happens, which I don't see because I'm dazing off in space, and Zayn jumps about 3 feet in the air. I look around and see everyone has the same expression: pure terror. Well besides Niall...he's sitting there like its a cartoon.

The movie ends and we all decide its time to go to sleep. "So where is everyone sleeping?" Liam asks. "Urm, I don't know," Lexie says. "Uh...well u and Harry?" I say. "YOU AND ZAYN!!" She says. I stare at her with wide eyes while Zayn smirks. "O ME GERSH YES!" Louis says. "Okay you're all officially crazy!" I say. 'C'mon love, what's it gonna hurt?" Zayn says. I sigh: "fine,"

Lexie and Harry jump in her bed and I awkwardly lay really close to the left side of the bed. "LOU GET ON THE COUCH," Liam says as Louis runs around like a 3 year old. "BUT LEEYUM DA MOVIE GAVE WOUIS NIGHT MARES," He screeches. "Ug, come up here," Liam says. Liam and Niall (and well, Lou) are sleeping on the pull out couch. They look like a big weird family.

Zayn keeps scooting closer to me. Eventually, I fall out of the bed. All the guys and Lexie look at me. My cheeks redden. "Uh Jor? You okay there?" Lexie says. I nod and slowly get back in the bed. Zayn is now incredibly close. Oh crap.

•The Next Day•

I awake upon the sound of Louis jumping on Liam and Niall. I hear Liam groan. I realize mine and Zayn's legs are intertwined and his arms around my waist. I scoff. "Erm, Lou could you please quiet down?" I ask. "Oops sorry Jordan," He says sitting down on the bed. I pull the covers close to me and Zayn shifts. My eyes get heavy and I fall back to sleep.

"Is she still sleeping?" I hear a Irish voice say. "Yeah, I think Zayn is to," a deeper raspier voice says. "Guys, just let them sleep! Besides, they look adorable," I hear a girl voice say. "But I'm hungry and I want Nandos!" The Irish voice says. I hear a high pitched squeal. I open my eyes and Louis, Niall, Lexie, Harry, and Liam are all crowding around mine and Zayn's bed. Zayn is very close now, as in that I mean CLOSE. "Ah, she's awake!" Liam says.

"Zaaaaaayn. Zaaayn," I say poking his cheek. "I don't think that's gonna work" Harry says. I shoot him a glare. I straddle Zayn and smack him. He shoots up, basically throwing me off him. "GOOD LORD JORDAN! WTF!" Zayn shouts. "Aye she was trying to wake you up so Mr. hungry bunches of Nandos can eat!" Lexie says. Zayn sighs relaxes. "Sorry, Jordan." He says. I shrug as I sit up.

I go to my drawers and pull out some shorts and a tshirt. I walk to the bathroom to change. I shut the door. I begin to get dressed but the swiftly opens and I screech.


*dramatic music* DUN DUN DUN. Who do you think walked in? Hm hm hm hm hm hm hmmm?"

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