Chapter Seven

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Hello lovelies! Sorry i haven't updated this book in a long time, I've been sorta busy and haven't had the time to write it. So yeah, ladies and gentleman; CHAPTER SEVEN!!


*The Next Morning*

I open my eyes, groggily. I see that everyone's awake besides Zayn and Niall. I sit up slowly (trying not to wake Zayn), and i look at Lexie. "Hey Lex. Can I, uh, talk to you?" I say slowly. She nods and stands up. "Let's just go down to breakfast and we can talk there," Lexie says. I nod, following her out the door.

We sit at the table. "So, what did you wanna talk about, love?" Lexie asks. "How do you handle it? I mean, being away from Harry so long?" I ask. "Oh, I see what you're saying. Honestly, it's not THAT bad. Yeah, it's painful, but as long as you two love each other, you should be fine," She says. God, she reads my mind. "Do you think he even-," "Yes I do. Has my judgement ever been wrong?" She asks after cutting me off. "No," I laugh. She grins and Follows me out.

Lexie and I walk back up to the room, noticing everyone is now awake. "IM HUNGRY!! LI GIMME FOOD!" Niall shouts. I look at everyone; Niall and Louis are screaming their heads off, Zayn is watching tv, and Liam and Harry are about to pull their hair out. "EVERYONE SHUT IT!" I yell. Liam practically falls. "Oh god. Thank you," He says.

*A few days laterrrrr*

"NIALL WILL YOU SHUT IT?! THEY'LL BRING THEIR FOOD WHEN IT'S DONE," Liam says. Niall crosses his arms and pouts. "But I wuv Nandos," he says. "I think we all know that. But you have to wait for them to bring the food out," I slowly say. "Look, I think they're coming now," Lexie says pointing towards a waiter with what appears to be our food. "Oh, thank The Lord!" Niall groans sitting up straight. Our waitress hands each person their food. "Enjoy," She says, casting a fake smile. Niall starts shoving food in his mouth (no surprise there). "So what do you want to do after we eat?" I ask. "Hm. Not sure," Liam says. "Well there's a mall by here. We could go shopping," Lexie says. The guys moan <AHAHA>. "Oh, c'mon! It's not THAT bad," I say. "Yes it is," They all say in sync. Well I don't care if they hate shopping: We're going shopping!

"Really Zayn? I let you drive my car and you get us lost!" Lexie says. Zayn makes a U-turn. "Sorry, Sorry!!" He says. "The mall is to the east, by the way. It would've been smart to follow the others, there, Zaynster," Harry jokes. I sigh. "Just listen to the curly headed GPS, will you?" I say. Zayn huffs and drives whatever way Harry tells him to go.

"Finally!" We all say, hopping out of the car. After 35 minutes of being lost, we were finally at the mall. "Lets find the others," Zayn says. We all walk in horizontal line; Zayn, me, Lexie, Harry was the order. "I wonder where they-" "AH NIALL STOP IT!" Louis answers my question. "NEVVERRRR AAHAH!" I hear Niall say as he runs around the mall. We all walk over to them. "Uh, where's Liam?" Zayn asks. "The bathroom.." Niall and Louis answer. I sigh. "We have to babysit?!" Zayn says. "Not any more," Liam says as he walks up.

We all decided to go home after 6 hours of shopping. "Im so tired," Zayn says as we pack into Lexie's car. We nod in agreement. "Zayn don't get us lost again," I joke as Zayn starts driving. "Very funny, Jordan," He says rolling his eyes. "Just saying!!" I say. Two days...Just two. Only two days until the boys go on tour. Tomorrow we have the party. Oh bloody hell...


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