Cold Kisses [[1]]

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Hey guys =D

I'm gonna keep going with my other story but I was listening to the beautiful piano music by ludovico einaudi. Mainly the songs andare and fly [[I advise to listen to them they are so amazing they bring tears to my eyes]] anywhoo I just got an idea for an awesome story. I have so many ideas for it.

anywhoo the 1st chapters not that exciting but trust me it'll get much better.

and yes vampires =DD whoohoo but this isn't the traditional vampire/human love story. it's a little different but it's still a love story.

I know I ramble. this is like a story right here lol =)

well plz read,vote,comment,enjoy

xoxo krys =DD


"So, Jasmine you're coming to my house tonight after the dance right?" Taylor asked me. I hadn't really wanted to go to the dance but she was so geeked, I couldn't let her down. She'd been my best friend since I moved to Des Moins,Iowa. Our school was holding a dance in honor of the centeniual (100 year anniversary) of the school and Tay was on the comittee. She had been asked to go by plenty of guys but turned them down because she said this was gonna be for us girls.

"Yeah. I just gotta drive home and then I'll be right over." I started walking to my car but was stopped when Taylor yanked the books I was holding out of my hands. I tried to grab them but she was to fast.

"Another one. When are you gonna leave the undead alone and talk to the actual living undead people. You know the ones who aren't cannabalistic. Look tonight we're gonna find you a hottie with a body." Yeah ok so I read up on the supernatural. I know it seems crazy but I see things,I feel things coming. I just know things no one else does and it all started the night I was attacked and I'm just trying to clear up what happened. I know that they're out there. Somewhere there's someone who can do wierd,crazy and unexplanable things like me.

"Fine. I'll come to your house minus the book. And it'll be a vamp free grinding fest!" I said, which made us both laugh. Then we went our seperate ways. I always park my car near the football field and so I can always glance over and see the the cheerleaders and the football players practicing, but today something felt off . When I looked over I didn't see the scantily clad cheerleaders doing a routine that obviously was so not the actual routine because it contained moves that were illegal in more places then competitions. Instead of that I saw the girls in a crowd around something. Well actually the closer I looked I saw it was someone. I could see black hair through the group. I just figured it was the new kid everyone was talking about. Well then no need to even try to befriend him since the cheerleaders already have their claws in him. Although even as I got into my car I could just feel something wasn't right about someone in that group, and i was almost positive that it wasn't the cheerleaders. When I got home I relized I'd dropped my book somewhere on the way to my car. Damn! I had to special order that one. I don't even know if I can find another one. I guess I'll just be working over time at the store. I got out of the car to see that dad wasn't home. He was probably still at the office. Oh well I thought to myself. Just write him a note. I ran in put my book bag on the floor in my room and started packing a bag. I threw everything I needed in. Then I grabbed my dress out of the closet. It was a gorgeous dress. My aunt had sent it to me when she heard about the dance. She had been my mother figure for as long as I could remember now. After I had all of my things packed I went and got in the car. I called Taylor and told her that I was on my way. I got to the stoplight right before Tay's house I looked over to the passenger seat and sitting there was my book. I couldn't put it together because I knew that it wasn't there before when I got out of the car. It would've been right next to my other book. Well I'd have to figure this out later because I promised tay no supernatural. So as I pulled into her house I composed myself even though I had an uneasy feeling about tonight. Something epic was gonna happen I just didn't know what, but I had a feeling that supernatural promise was gonna be broken. My train of thought was broken though when I went into tay's.

"Hey, hey, hey girlie. ok so I figured since we got time why not call the guys and see if a few of 'em wanna go out to eat before we head out to the dance." She said. I knew something was up. I still don't know why she tries to trick me. I always know.

"What guys cuz I know you mean ones that I would never even pick up a phone and call."

"Well lucky for you, you don't have to, cuz I already did..." she said with an nervous smile. I just glared at her. She must have lost her mind in the time it took me to get to my house, get ready and get here. "Look didn't we say that we were gonna get you a hottie with a body. So I figured I'd just speed up the process. And this way you'll get to talk to him before you get somewhere where the music is so loud there's no way to have a civilized conversation." I thought about it and figured I didn't really have a choice and so I agreed. Her parents weren't home that weekend so we blasted the music while we got ready. I was doing hair and she was doing make-up. I put her waist length light brown hair in a princess look with it down with beachy curls and two braids on each side going to the back. Then my shoulder length auburn hair was in an up do with my bangs pinned up in a little poof and a few curls hanging out. Tay was in charge of make-up and she made us both look amazing. she took time and did detail we looked like princesses especially when we put on our dresses. Tay had a soft pink dress that cling around her curves until a little below her waist then it flowed out and pooled around her feet [[]]. My dress was a blood red strapless dress that flowed out all around me at the bottom [[]] . It was so gorgeous. I thought the dress overpowered me. I felt to plain for something so extravagant. We finished everything just in time. When we heard the doorbell we both started down the stairs but she stopped me.

"No You must make your entrance." She practically yelled at me. I just thought that was the kinda wierd thing they only did in movies, but oh well I guess. I heard them talking but didn't reconize the boys voices. So I would be as much of a surprise as he was to me. I was standing right in behind the wall before the stairs.

"And I give you...Jasmine Amanda dominguez." I turned the corner and began walking down the stairs at first looking down so I wouldn't fall in my red heels. Eventually I looked up and saw Michael Mason a football player with Tay on his arm and none other than Austin Grey. The captain of the football team waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. I was sooo not expecting this. Then right as I was about to take the next step down I lost my footing and fell head first down the stairs. them on the way down my dress got pulled over my head and I flashed my underwear to the captain of the football team and his best friend. I was so embarassed that I tried to stand up forgetting Austin was there and stepped on his foot. Things were already starting out bad. I knew it.

"I'm ok, I'm ok." Austin said as he stepped forward and took my hand to help me up. I had sat back down on the verge of tears. "Come on. It's not that bad. I can still walk. I'll just have my swag on tonight." I couldn't help but smile as he pulled me up and offered me his arm. We headed out the door and over to applebees. We ate pretty quickly but it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I was actually enjoying myself. Yeah I was suprised. We arrived at the dance and everyone was already dancing while the songs blasted through the speakers. Taylor immediately grabbed us and took us to the center of the floor.

"Let's get this grinding fest started bee-otch." She said as she started laughing. I was actually dancing with Austin Grey I couldn't even believe it. But then all of sudden I got that feeling. I could sense it. Something was here. My eyes were thinking for themselves and I looked over near the corner of the room where the cheerleaders where congrigated like earlier. That's when I saw him. I couldn't help but stare. It didn't matter though because he was staring right back. I knew that whatever the epic thing was that was happening tonight. It was far beyond grinding, cheerleaders, rap, and Austin. It was something I had been waiting for so long. I thought it could only be one thing. The song ended and a slow song came on. I turned around to start dancing with Austin. Then looked over to see the cheerleaders giving me daggers, because as I turned around there was a hand extended to me, and a sexy voice.

"May I cut in?"

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