Cold Kisses[[2]]

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okey dokey. here's part two everyone it's kinda short sorry but there's a football game today. I probably won't get part 3 up for a while because my homecoming dance is coming up in a few weeks. So I need to get on top of my school work so I can go. And I'm gonna have a busy weekend since I already made plans with people.

so I'll try to get it up when I can. I won't make you wait too long tho =)

so here it is don't forget to vote,comment on here and my page. oh and did I mention voting ;D lol

xoxo krys =DD


I looked up at the face. It was him. He was gorgeous. He had raven black hair and wore a black dress shirt and black pants with a tie that was the same blood red as my dress. He was pale and looked like he hadn't seen the sun in years. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't even relized that they were both looking at me waiting for something. I looked back and forth from Austin to the guy. I just assumed they were waiting for me to answer the question. I nodded my head yes then saw Austin and he looked angry. He went over by the cheerleaders I assumed.

"My name is Darien. Pleased to meet you." He said as he bowed low like a gentleman. This is exactly how I pictured this. Well not really it was a little more extravagant but this'll do. I curtseyed and he swept me up into what was most likely a traditional waltz. His hands were icy but the contrast of our temperature felt wonderful. It felt like we were the only two people in the room as I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. This was an amazing feeling. This was what I was waiting for, but I knew something was wrong. Before I could act or move away his face was just inches from mine.

"I never caught your name." He whispered.

"uh..Ja-...jasmine." I managed to stutter out. Him being so close was intoxicating. I knew what he was gonna do but even though I knew I shouldn't I let him lightly rub his soft cold lips to mine. Everything seemed to be moving in sync our bodies, and our mouths. He then lightly flicked his tongue against my lips as if asking permission. I succumed to him. I couldn't keep him out. Until I saw the images of that night flashing through my head. I pulled away almost to quickly, he bit my lip as I pulled away as if trying to hold me there.

"Shit." I muttered as I looked at him I thought I saw his eyes flash completely black for a moment. I mean the whole eye the whites and everything. I just stared as he turned and walked away. I rushed off to the bathroom. When I got there I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess. I was surprised any guy wanted to dance with me after awhile. pieces of hair were falling out of the up-do and my make-up was smearing. I cleaned my self up a little and then decided to get a little bit of fresh air. After what happened in the gym I needed it. I went back to the gym and then out of the doors to the garden in the back of the school which they had decorated. It looked beautiful there were lights on all the trees, and a few fog machines around so that I had fog pooling around me from my knees, downward. I begin walking in the direction of one of the benches. As I was walking though I felt uneasy. Like something was looming. I knew what it was. Right as I thought that I saw a figure move in my periphial vision and turned abruptly. Of course standing there across from me was none other than Darien.

"Lovely night for a walk." He said stepping closer to me. This wasn't good. And then I blurted the words before I could stop myself.

"I know. What you really are. No need trying to hide it because it won't work. I know." I said looking directly into his eyes,which were normally a beautiful dark ocean blue, they were getting darker.

"Is that so. And what exactly would that be?"

"A Vampire. A bloodsucking,super fast vampire."

He actually looked surprised. I think he expected me to get the answer wrong. Well I see how highly he thinks of me. Fine then.

"Well if that were true. I couldn't just let you run free now could I." He started stepping closer to me. When he closed the space between us I didn't flinch or move back I stayed stationary. He was staring at me with an intensity I had never seen before. Then he lowered his head to my neck and I could feel his lips caressing the nape of my neck. Then he whispered to me.

"You smell so....delicious. What's your perfume?" He asked seductively. I got him.

"I don't wear perfume. " I stated moving away from him. "And look here I've been waiting for this moment for as long as I can remember so you're not gonna screw this up for me, OK? What you are gonna do though is sit down answer my questions and act like a goddamn gentleman!"

He looked at me with a look of disbelief on his face. Then he started laughing. I couldn't believe this I mean he's a frickin vampire. He should be threatening me or there should be some biting involved. But no, Only I would find the one vampire who would laugh at me. Wow. Then once his laughter subsided he turned to me and asked an almost unanswerable question. "what are you? You say you sensed me. Well only other vampires can sense one another and it's very clear you're not a vampire." He said eyeing my neck. "But you're still somewhat human. So what are you?"

"I guess...I'm like you" I said. And finally I knew I was right I really was so much like them.

"That you are." he said surveying me. I knew what he was searching for before he started searching. I turned my back to him and I couldn't see his expression but I was guessing it was very confused. He took his hand and traced over them. The reminders of what had happened to me. I closed my eyes as his fingers went over and over the punctures and lines on my back. My scars and my bites from that night.

"What happened to you?" He asked me as he turned me around.

This was going to be the first time I would ever actually tell someone the real story. I was more than ready.

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