cold kisses[[3]]

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Hey there guys. sorry I've havent been updateing either of the stories that often but I finished this one and wanted to get it up before my audition.

and I will try my hardest to get bands,boys,and other things.... up sometime this week.

ok here it is enjoy,comment,vote xoxo krys =DD


No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.

Francois Muriac

We sat down on the bench and I started telling him what happened to me.

"When I was fourteen i had been out with my friends a few blocks from our house. It was dark by the time I was atleast halfway home. There was this alley that went from the main street to my house so I decided to go through it."

"Fearless." He said with a smirk.

"Still am." I said smugly. "anyways, I was about halfway through the alley when I saw this guy at the other end. He was about seventeen. Or should I say looked seventeen. He just stood there, watching me get closer. Then when I finally got to him, he blocked my way. I couldn't go anywhere.


"Well aren't you precious." He whispered leaning in even closer. "And you smell so sweet." he said, our faces now barely inches apart. He moved his face down to my collar bone. I was frozen I couldn't move. I was so scared of him for some reason I couldn't explain I wanted him near me, but I didn't want to even be within a mile of him.

"Please can I just go home. I don't have anything you'd want." I said trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"But on the contrary. You have exactly what I want." He said. Eyes completely black, he pushed me into the wall and the last thing I remember was blacking out was fangs and the most intense pain I had ever felt. It was undescribable.

--------------------------------------------end of flashback---------------------------------------

"Then I woke up in the hospital and they said that I had been bitten and raped." I could feel the tears stinging my eyes as I finished. "But I remember flashes from after I was bitten. Like my brain was fighting the blackout." I stared at him he was staring at me with sad but smoldering eyes. "I heard his name, you know. Someone called out to him. I'm assuming that's why he stopped before he comepletly drained me.That name that I haven't forgotten. I never will. Caine. That name is ingrained in my brain and I'll find him someday and make him pay." His eyes grew wide. I wasn't sure what made him have that reaction.

"You know maybe it wasn't totally him doing it. I mean once we bite someone any emotion we are feeling at that moment becomes so intense sometimes that we can just project feelings. Or sometimes our bodies overtake our minds and make us do things we wouldn't normally." He said looking actually frantic. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he sticking up for this person. Oh hell no!

"Are you actually telling me that you think there is a justifiable reason for someone ruining another persons life? Wow. They were right. Vampires are fucking coldheart." I shouted standing up and heading back in the gym before he could but I knew it was going to be a failed attempt. He of course caught up with me then grabbed my hand. I felt a jolt when he did. I know it sounds frickin' cheesy, but it felt like we were molded to fit each other perfectly. Like the spaces between my fingers were formed just for his. I ignored it though. I looked at him disgusted but didn't move my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2009 ⏰

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