Nothings gonna harm you darling

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Nellie watched as Mr.T paced back and forth on the wooden floor, Slowly. She let out a small little sigh and slumped even more in her chair. She was starting to wish Toby hadn't drunk up all the gin.

"Mr. T." She mumbled softly. "Pacin' 'round worryin' yourself 'alf to death won't 'elp a thing."

"She was here!" He yelled. "I couldn't even recognize her."

"You can't possibly be blamin' yourself for tha'. She was only a baby last time you seen 'er-"

"Well..." He sighed, Stopping his pacing. He cleared his throat and turned away from her to look out the window. "You should be down in the shop, Shouldn't you, My pet?" He asked. Although she was used to him calling her that, Her heart still fluttered. After everything that's gone on, After finding out the truth about Lucy, He still called her his pet. Mr. Todd was cold and distant, More so than usual at least. They only shared a few sentences per day, If that. Some days they'd get along and some days he'd try to kill her. Somehow, He still managed to make her dark heart pound harder.

"Suppose I should." Nellie sighed, Knowing he just wanted more alone time.


Scrubbing the floor roughly to rid it of any traces of blood, Mrs. Lovett huffed,muttering to herself. Today was not a good one. Toby had fallen ill and wasn't able to help in the shop, Sweeney was grumpier than usual and the customers were more demanding than ever, Not to mention the thieves running about.

She quickly re wet her rag before scrubbing the floor again, Blowing her wild auburn curls away from her pale face. Sometimes she tired of  scrubbing the floor,Cleaning up blood and getting it under her nails, Ruining her nice dresses as she scrubbed. But if she didn't do it, Who would? The only thing Mr. T ever thought about was Lucy, Joanna or revenge. He never thought to clean after himself. She had to.

'Guess it's alright." She always reminded herself. 'Better he kill the customers than me.' With judge Turpin dead and gone, Sweeney's revenge was supposed to settle his soul. Since he'd found out he'd murdered Lucy though, He was back at it to fill the empty hole where is heart should be. If he wasn't still slashing the throats of the men who came in, Surely it'd be her life on the line.

"Mrs. Lovett!"

She was snatched out of her thoughts by the harsh voice of Sweeney. She quickly stopped her scrubbing and stood up, Placing a hand on her heart.

"Mr.T! I didnt see you there."

"You've got customers down stairs waiting for you." Sweeney mumbles quietly. "Seems they'll be leaving soon if you don't attend to them..."

"Let them leave." Nellie mutters. "I 'ave business to attend to up 'ere."

"...Mrs. Lovett. You've been working extra hard lately it seems." His voice was calm and yet chilling. "Please,My pet,Have a seat." He almost smiled, Pointing towards the chair that many had been murdered in. She gulped before wiping her dress a little. "Mr. Todd,Work has to be done-"

"Sit!" He almost yelled. With a small sigh,Nellie walked over towards the chair and sat down in it,Paying close attention to Mr. Todd.

"You,My love,Are something special. Appropriate as always." He mumbled,Circling around her slowly. "Always trying to be proper about certain things and then dropping the act and being as rebellious as they come." She hummed to show she was paying attention and gulped as he put a hand near her neck.

"Do you remember a short while ago when i just began to trust you? When we were partners,In a way? When I actually thought about what you said about having a life together?" He asked. "And do you remember an even shorter time ago when you lied to me?"

"Mr. T." Nellie half whined. He was behind her but she heard the razor click as it was opened. She gasped and tried to face him,But his firm grip on her shoulder wouldn't allow it.

"I killed my Lucy." He sighed. "Almost killed my own daughter,Who's run off with a sailor. I'll probably never see either of them again."

"Mr. T-"

"I might as well have been the poison that my Lucy consumed...I killed her after all."


"But it's all alright now,My pet." He whispered,Leaning down to get close to her ear. "I know you're afraid of me. You wake up every day wondering when I'll finally snap. When I'll end your life,The way I should've ended it the night I found out the truth. Well wait no longer."

"Think about this Mr.T." She whispered.

"I won't kill you,Mrs. Lovett. But your dear Toby...Perhaps you should prepare to make another pie."

"I...What? WHAT?" She screamed. Her tears were streaming down her pale face before he could even finish his sentence. "Mr.T don't play like this."

Nellie couldn't believe her ears. Her Toby was gone? Because of her? They'd grown so close. He was like the son she never had. He was her family. The little boy made her so happy. She made him feel the same.

"Nothing's gonna harm you,Darling, Not while I'm around." Mr. T sung in her ear. He let out the smallest of laughs before standing up straight. "Perhaps you should've been around."

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