If only.....

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Paige: "You were dreaming that's what happened"

*I jump*

Skylar: "Paige....when did yo-

Paige: "Listen Skylar I can't tell you anything about that the point is were in trouble"

Skylar: "Huh? How do you know?"

Paige: ''I...I don't know but I can feel that something is going to happen that will change us... If only I knew what it was...."

Skylar: "Well...I'm going back to bed"

Paige: "Ok...see you in a few hours"

*Paige leaves*

Skylar: "If only"

Paige: "If only"

Skylar and paige: "I could tell them my secret"

-ok sorry I've been busy sorry lol I'll stop writing this book at chapter 20 or so and I'm writing my new book _Love Song_ see you guys till then!-

The place we all have forgotten.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora