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*Skylar's POV*

"Boy am I beat long day at work I better be getting paid alot of money for this stupid job" *Jumps on bed and lays down* "Hopefully I'll find that little girl again... But for now *yawn* nap time"

*I wake up once again in the same exact room where I met that little girl but this time I wasn't the one who was chained to the wall*

Skylar: "I'm here again? Oh! Where's that little girl I really hope she's alright"

??: "Psst... Hey Skylar over here!" *she whispers*

Skylar: "Huh? Oh hey it's you!! Are you alright?! Why are you chained to the wall?"

??: "Because he told me I can't talk to strangers but I want to help you because you're in danger"

Skylar: "Ok wait first of how am I in danger, and second off who is "he?"

??: I can't tell you who he is or why you're in danger I can only help you do you see those keys on that table?

Skylar: *Turns around and sees the keys* "Yeah why?"

??: "Those unlock my chains"

Skylar: "Alright..." *I walk over to her and unlock the chains some of you might be thinking...how can you trust her? Well I don't know, but what I do know is that I can feel that she is a very important person and someone that would help me from whatever danger is coming...*

Heyo! Sorry I haven't been on for a bit been busy with school etc. I stopped writing my other book love song because I just wasn't in to it and I'm sorry! I will be sticking to writing fan fics though hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry that it was so short!! But yea..see you later bookworms!!
~ILoveBTR <3

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