Chapter 3: Paige's POV

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Paige's POV

   'Luke!' I texted. It was Wednesday night and I had something amazing I had to get Luke involved in. 

   'wat' Luke replied. 

   'I got a brilliant idea!" I responded. 

   'wats ur brilliant idea' he asked. 

   'can you come over rite now?'  

   'yea sure. be there in five' he replied. My idea came pouring out of my mouth the second Luke set foot in my apartment, and it involved Terry and Joey. 

   "Hey, Luke. You know Terry rite?" I began as we sat down on my living room couch. 

   "Of course I know Terry. I was just helping her with her audition earlier today. "

   "Well she wanted to hang with me Friday, but when I told her I was busy she seemed a bit disappointed and..." I began as Luke cut me off

   "She can come hang with me and Joey. We're going to some Mexican restaurant Meghan suggested," He told me. 

   "Actually I was thinking you get 'stuck' in traffic, tell Joe you gotta pass on the dinner and just have him and Terry show up," I hinted. There was a moment of silence, but then Luke began to speak again. 

   "Wait a minute. I think I know where this is going." Luke started saying. "You're setting them up on a blind date aren't you," Luke said. He was exactly right. Joey had been single since I met him a few years ago, and he never seemed like the guy who would go out and find a girlfriend himself. Surprisingly he had been ok with that and didn't really mind if he had a one or not. Terry on the other hand was basically a lonely girl that needed someone like Joey to fill her day. They didn't know each other personally, but I was well aware that Terry adored his daily vlogs.  

   "Terry needs Joey. She always so alone, living in that apartment by herself, spending most nights at home in front of her TV," I explained to Luke. 

   "I'm not really sure if Joe's looking for a girlfriend because last time I checked he told me he didn't like the feeling of going on first dates, especially when he knows nothing about the girl." Luke told me. 

   "I'm aware of that, but wouldn't Joe and Terry just be cute together? Trust me Luke this is so a great idea," I told Luke, feeling sure of myself.

   "Wait a sec, do they know each other?"  Luke asked. 

   "Nope, but Terry is a bit obsessed with his vlogs. Please don't tell her it's Joey you're hanging out with. She'll probably go insane. Just say your hanging with your friend" I told Luke. 

   "I don't know if this is really such a good idea. Is she really that obsessed?" Luke wondered. 

   "She'll be fine in front of him. She's always pretty chill in front of guys. It's when the guy isn't physically there that she goes a bit crazy," I told Luke. "Now call her." Luke dialed Terry's number and she picked up after the second ring. 

   "Hello, is this Terry?" Luke asked as he put the phone onto speaker. 

   "Luke?" Terry said sounding a bit confused. 

   "Yep, that's me." 

   "You know we're not meeting again until Saturday."

   "Yeah I'm aware of that. I wasn't calling about that though. Paige was just telling me about how you didn't have plans for Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go to this Mexican restaurant with me and one of my friends," Luke said. 

   "Sure, I'd love to!" Terry said sounding pretty excited

   "Great! We're going to Casa Rojo at 6:30pm on Friday. I heard it was really packed on Fridays so I made us a reservation under my name," Luke told me. 

    "Casa Rojo has the best Mexican food. I can't wait for Friday!" Terry exclaimed. 

    "See ya then! I gotta go, bye!" Luke said.  After hanging up the phone I ordered some pizza and Luke and I watched reruns of The Mindy Project.

     "Don't tell Joey he's going on a date. You know how he is when we try to set him up with a girl," I warned Luke. 

     "Yeah, Joe actually told me he tries to avoid dating sometimes just to get away from any potential awkwardness," Luke said, finishing the last slice of pizza from the box. 

      "Joe and Ter better thank me when they end up all kissy face, lovey, and twice as happy," I said. 

      "I'll be sure to remind them," Luke joked and we both started laughing a bit. 

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