A Journey Begins

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'Sherlock Holmes was a man of great knowledge.' Read Scarlet. She was already halfway through the book, and she had learnt a lot so far. 

'Knock knock-knock knock' Scarlet heard Mrs. Hudson at the door.

"Come in!" Yelled Scarlet. She saw the handle turning and in walked Mrs. Hudson, who sat on her bed and put her hand on Scarlet's leg. 

"How are you feeling, honey?" Asked Mrs. Hudson.

"Better, thanks." Replied Scarlet. Baskerville jumped onto her bed and curled up beside her.  Mrs. Hudson became silent, and that old expression washed over her face once more.

"Scarlet...dear. I talked to your father this morning."

"You did!?" Asked and exclaimed Scarlet. "Well, go on. What did he say!?"

"He said that he needs your help. He knows that you are a great detective as well, and he wants to see you."

"So you're saying...?"

"I'm saying that you are going to Hawaii to see your father!" Said Mrs. Hudson in a high pitched voice. Scarlet's jaw hit the ground. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. How much does a sixteen year old have to take in in two days! 

"So...so when do I leave?" Asked Scarlet. 

"Your father has arranged your flights for tomorrow at about...um, 1 am? I know it's very early, but I'm sure you'll be fine. It's going to be so much fun! But you need to be careful, it's a very dangerous case. I will be coming with you, and I'll drop you off at your father's hotel. You'll love staying with him!" Mrs. Hudson gave a wide smile that stretched from one ear to the other. "You better get packing!" She sang. Mrs. Hudson got up and left Scarlet sitting on her bed, still unable to process what just happened.  I'm going to see my dad? But...how?  She thought to herself. And what do they wear in Hawaii? Is it hot there? These thoughts went through her mind as she got out her clothes and started packing her  bag. 

She threw in two lightly patterned dresses, 6 pairs of shorts and shirts, her toiletries, and she knew she was ready to go. But she was missing something...

"Auntie Hudson!" Yelled Scarlet. "Who'll take care of Baskerville?" 

"We're taking him with us, Scarlet honey, don't worry!" She yelled back. 

Scarlet was able to relax, and scooped Baskerville up  and into her arms. 

"Who's the cutest kitty cat, Baskerville? I think it's you!" She said playfully to him, squeezing him in her arms. She couldn't wait to see her dad, but what if he wasn't like she thought he was? She imagined that as she walks through the door to his hotel room, he'll see hi there with John Watson, smiling, and he'll run up to her and give her a big hug...Her thoughts faded away and she turned back to reality.  


Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, went the endless sound of the alarm, forcing Scarlet out of her dream world and into her real one. 

"Uhhhhh...shut up you stupid alarm!" She said, not bothering to get up. Baskerville hopped on top of her bed side table and getting up on his back legs, he calmly placed his paw on top of the alarm, and it abruptly stopped.  Scarlet was  finally awakened to her senses when Baskerville walked all over her face and stuck his paw in her mouth. 

"Scarlet!" Mrs. Hudson called. "Time for Hawaii!" She said in the annoying voice that all grown ups use to get you up. (Trust me, I know.) 

"Alright, I'm coming!" She yelled back. Scarlet rolled out of bed, put on her dressing gown, and again, she rolled down the stairs into the kitchen. 

"What's for breakfats? I mean, uh...uh fatsbreak? I'm too tired, you know what I mean." Said Scarlet in a groggy voice, struggling to keep her eyes open. 

"You're having cereal, just like you normally do." Mrs. Hudson replied as she put a bowl of Coco Pops in front of Scarlet. Scarlet lazily picked up her spoon and shoved a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. Scarlet and Mrs. Hudson ate in silence, then they both shuffled up the stairs and got dressed for the plane. Scarlet was wearing all black and a Belstaff Milfrod coat, with a blue scarf.  As she walked down the hall, Mrs. Hudson stopped and stared at her. 

"Wha...what are you wearing?" She asked in complete horror.

"Oh, just this old coat and scarf I found. Why? Doesn't it look okay?" Scarlet replied.

"Why, you look just your father." Said Mrs. Hudson, and she burst into tears. 

Scarlet Epiphany JonesWhere stories live. Discover now