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Scarlet and Mrs. Hudson were ready for the journey they'd embark. They were excited and, well, scared. But mostly excited. They got into the cab at 11: 06 pm and drove to the airport. It was a long-ish journey, but it was an enjoyable one. Scarlet could feel butterflies flapping away inside her, she couldn't wait to meet her dad! But she would have to wait a while before she could meet him.

"Are you excited, honey?" Asked Mrs. Hudson.

"Yes! I can't wait!" Replied Scarlet. This was the only conversation they had for the hour drive, and soon approached the airport. Scarlet had her head in her lap, snoring with her drool attached to the seat belt.

"Wake up! We're here, Scarlet!" Said Mrs. Hudson loudly in Scarlet's ear.

"W-what? Wait where are we? No I don't want to get ou-" Scarlet was interrupted by the sound of her own snoring, and about 15 minutes later Mrs. Hudson finally managed to drag Scarlet out of the car and into the airport. It was a crowded place with glossy grey tiles, and people were bustling about all over the place, looking for arrivals, check-in counters, and misplaced baggage. Scarlet and Mrs. Hudson dragged their suitcases to their check-in counter, gave the woman in red their passports, and waited as she checked in their luggage and gave them their boarding passes.

"So, Mrs. Hudson, What time is our flight?" Asked Scarlet at 1:00 am.

"Our flight is at 3:15, so we have two hours to spare! Let's do some shopping!" Replied Mrs. Hudson, who was really excited to go shopping. They looked around at all the duty-free candies and chocolate, at suitcases and crocodile handbags and miscellaneous clothing shops. The endless rows of perfumes, shoes, and more candy. They came back an hour and a half later, with about ten bags of shopping, just in time for them to board. They put their bags on the floor in front of them, and collapsed with exhaustion onto their chairs.

"Thanks so much!" Said Scarlet to Mrs. Hudson.

"What for?"

"Everything." Said Scarlet, placing her hand on top of Mrs. Hudson's. They both smiled and gave each other a quick hug, but all the while Scarlet felt a pair of eyes staring through her. She turned away and saw a man with a big nose, blue eyes, short brown hair, holding a black umbrella and staring at her. Scarlet guessed immediately that he was 45 years old, worked for the British Government, The CIA and her Majesty's Secret Service, based on his clothing, his posture, and his state of mind. His suit probably cost around 1,900 dollars. Sitting next to him was an emo girl with black hair and blue highlights, who turned 16 about a month ago. She wore all black, and had a small nose piercing. She was also holding an umbrella, but thankfully she was staring out the window, and not at Scarlet. Still he stared as he tapped his black umbrella slowly on the floor. Their eyes locked for a second, just for a moment, and Scarlet felt a strange feeling come over her.

I feel like I've seen him before...but where? When? Who is he? Why is he staring at me!

"Scarlet, dear, are you alright?" Asked Mrs. Hudson.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm...fine." She lied. She didn't want Mrs. Hudson to fuss, it was right before their flight. And he was probably just randomly staring, nothing serious...right?

"Flight 2, 1,3, 6. Departing for , Los Angeles." The woman on the overhead loudspeaker said.

"That's us!" Mrs. Hudson sang. Everyone got up, and handed their boarding passes to the people at the gate. Soon, Mrs. Hudson and Scarlet were seated in their chairs, on the plane.

"I didn't think it was going to be a jumbo jet!" Scarlet said to Mrs. Hudson.

"Neither did I!" She answered. They smiled at eachother and buckled up. Scarlet looked to see who was sitting in front of them, and, much to her surprise, it was the umbrella man and his daughter. Just as she stopped thinking about them, he turned around and looked at Mrs. Hudson.

"Oh, hello, Mrs. Hudson dear. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He said in his British accent.

"Mycroft? Is" She asked.

"You know it is. How are you, my dear? I want you to meet my daughter, Alexsand-"


"Calm down Mrs. Hudson, please. Please do. My apologies, Mrs. Hudson. I was just so busy with the BCIA, HMSS, and the government. Plus, I have being doing some field work, as my *sigh*, dear brother has been away. It really does require so much leg work. I promise it won't happen again. Anyway, this is-"

"Hmm, it better not happen again." Mrs. Hudson interrupted grumpily.

"Yes, no it won't, I promise. Anyway, I want you to meet my daughter, Alexandra. She's 16, just like Scarlet."

"Oh, hello Alexandra, it's so nice to FINALLY meet you. This is your cousin Scarlet."

"Meeoooow, meooooooooww....meow." Came a noise from Scarlet's duffel bag. "Mmmeeeoooowww!"

"Uh..sorry Alexandra, that's my cat, I better go shush him..." Scarlet told Alexandra.

"Oh, yea, that's fine! I wish I had a cat, but father won't let me. He's allergic." Said Alexandra as she whipped her head around and sternly looked at Mycroft. "Anyway, I'm Alexandra, but you can call me Alex."

Scarlet came back with Baskerville sitting calmly in her arms.

"Alex, this is Baskerville. And I'm Scarlet." She added quickly, and shook Alex's hand. "So..we're cousins?" She asked.

"Well yeah, I guess so!" Alex said giving her a small smile.

"Why don't you girls sit down and put on your seatbelts, we're about to take off for Los Angeles. And put that cat away, it's getting to me." Mycroft said to the girls.

"Okay!" They both said happily, and sat in their first class seats.   

Scarlet Epiphany JonesWhere stories live. Discover now