Signs When Confronted

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Aries: Becomes offended and angry.

Taurus: Will defend themselves and attempt to one-up you.

Gemini: Uses the sympathy card.

Cancer: Lowkey nervous but attempts to not look it.

Leo: Is very dramatic and claims that they did nothing wrong at all.

Virgo: Uses intellect to maturely defend themselves because childish fights and arguments are a waste of time to them.

Libra: Says nothing and attempts to avoid it. Leaves the situation up to karma.

Scorpio: Cusses the confronter out without a care in the world like an angsty teenager would do.

Sagittarius: Becomes confused and tells you to "get over it"

Capricorn: Becomes annoyed and argues.

Aquarius: Continues to do what they do. They don't care about haters.

Pisces: Gets upset because they don't want anyone to dislike them.

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