Signs on Black Friday

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Aries: Manages to get arrested. (Somehow)

Taurus: Sleeps instead of going out. Tells good friends things that they should buy for them.

Gemini: Trips and gets trampled.

Cancer: Helps kids find their parents.

Leo: Fights over items.

Virgo: Attempts to get what they want and leave without getting involved in any trouble.

Libra: Tries to shop online, only to see that it is slow and difficult because so many other people are too.

Scorpio: "accidentally" shop lifts.

Sagittarius: Shoves people to get things.

Capricorn: Forgets that it is Black Friday. Shops the next day if they even want to buy things.

Aquarius: Assumes it won't be that crowded, but then realizes that they were wrong. They then get scared and hide or leave.

Pisces: Has a list and is determined to get the stuff.

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