chapter 4

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As the door opened, a family of real zombies came into view. I realized that the fake zombie had been a warning of the terrible creatures that lived in this house. We turned to run away, but even more zombies had crept up behind us. They were coming at us, mumbling, but I couldn't make out the words they were saying. The closest zombie's arm fell off and he mumbled louder.

I franticly looked around and spotted a hanging basket holder. I rushed over and yanked it up. I started swinging wildly at the zombies. When I was done they were all dead (again). We quickly walked away before more zombies could come after us.

As we were going to the end of the street, I saw something move in the darkness. When I used my flashlight, I saw that it was a mummy. It was wrapped in old, decaying cloth, and looked like it had been buried for thousands of years. It was coming right at us!!!!

We ran as fast as our legs could carry us to the end of the street and turned the corner. There, a couple yards in front of us, was Frankenstein! Which way should we go? Should we turn back or keep going? We decided that we should keep going and hope that Frankenstein wouldn't notice us.

Haywire HalloweenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt