Part Three of Three

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Rachel POV (A few hours later)

I paced my cave. Octavian left about a few minutes ago. When we almost kissed, I realized that I have liked him for a while. I thought about me being the oracle. I can't date him! I would break my pact with Lord Apollo! I could die for dating him! I pushed back the dread and swallowed the fear, walking down to the Apollo cabin.

I stopped at the Apollo cabin and took a deep breath. I knocked, and was ushered in by a tall, blond girl. "Hi, I'm Spring Meadows, what do you need?" (I went onto a name generator and I got Spring as a first name, and when I was looking for a last name I got Meadows XD) "Um, I'm the oracle, and I need to speak to Lord Apollo." "Oh!" She perked up (If possible) even more than she was.

"Come over here so you can talk to my dad!" she said as she bounced her way over to a device. Every cabin had a way to communicate with their parent, installed after Percy had the gods make sure to claim their children. Apollo's was apparently a harp.

"I need to play a tune, then he should answer." Spring said, as she sat down to the harp. She gracefully moved her fingers over the strings. I was awed by the music, and lost in it. I snapped out of it when I saw Apollo. I bowed.

"Thanks!" I said to Spring as she walked away after saying hi to her dad.

"Hey Rachel! Nice seeing you!" Apollo said calmly.

"Yeah, Lord Apollo, so um I kinda, maybe, sorta fellinlovewithyourRomanlegacyandnowIwanttodatehim."
Apollo looked at me then smiled. "Oh I know, but it's cool."

"What?!?!" I shouted, confused. "Well I mean, you and Octavian are both blessed by me, so it's fine. And besides, you asked for my approval, and this is the first time one of my oracles have wanted to dated. Now if you told this to my sister, she would have killed you. But, you are young, and I didn't expect you to take on the role of being an oracle, much less an eternal maiden." he said, winking at me.

"I think I know why you're oracles have never dated." I said, thinking of the old, wrinkly foul smelling oracle that camp had previously. "Thank you so much Lord Apollo."

"No prob. I might as well talk to Octavian while I'm paying a visit here. I'm going to make a haiku about this later. See ya." I closed my eyes and he disappeared.

Octavian POV

I was walking back to my tent as a flash of light appeared before me. I close my eyes. "You can open them now." I heard Apollo say. I opened my eyes and looked at a tall 19 year old man wearing a blinding white chinton. "Um hey Lord Apollo." I said bowing. "Hi Octavian, legacy of the great one, Rachel was telling me something I thought you should know."

Wait, what did she say? Does she like me? Why should she tell Apollo that? "Oh, um, what did she, uh s-say?' I said, stumbling on my words.
"I lifted a regulation of her role. I'm sure she can tell you the rest at another time." He said winking. "As for you, I know you want to attack the Greeks, but you are doing the right thing."
"Thank you Lord Apollo." I kneeled and he disappeared into the sun's radiance.

THANKS FOR READING! I am so excited, I ship them so much. If you are wanting to know why the story is called Blush, (this is trivia here people, listen up), blush is a shade of red/pink and since Rachel has red hair... yeah. Also, there is the meaning of blush, which I am sure you all are familiar with. Happy reading, bye peoples! <3

(I know, worst ending ever, deal with it.)

Blush- How It Came to Be- Rachtavian/Octachel (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें