Chapter 25.

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Stephanie Dame, girlfriend of Louis Tomlinson, was reportedly seen being attacked by a large man. They had had a short conversation, where Stephanie looked awefully upset, and when she walked away, sources say he went after her. 

At that point was when Stephanie turned the tables on the attacker, who is now in custody for assault. People saw her kick him -somewhere no man would ever want to be kicked- before shoving him to the ground and sitting on him until someone came.

Where was Louis while Stephanie was being assaulted? We found out that he had gone out with his friends, the rest of One Direction, for some drinks. They were seen drinking and having a ball without Stephanie. Louis looked drunk out of his mind, sources claim; we're the two fighting and he got drunk because of this?

Tell us what you think in a comment below.

"Well that's a big load of bullshit." I muttered after reading some comments claiming Louis and I had broken up. Some also said I had it coming with what I was wearing: jeans and a long sleeved shirt. It screams out slutty, I know. 

Louis came barging through the door looking half drunk, the others in tow. "I'm so sorry!" He cried, running over to me. "Are you okay baby?" I nodded, making a weird face at him. "Why?" I asked. "You're all over the news! Some bloke attacked you, remember? Oh God, you lost your memory, didn't you? No no no no no!" He sobbed into my shoulder, holding me closely. 

The 'attack' only happened a couple of hours ago, but word spreads fast. "Babe, I'm okay. He didn't hurt me, I just have a little headache and a bruise on my arm." Louis' grip on me loosened, but stayed. "Oh thank God! I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you! I love you too much to let you go!" 

I tried to keep a normal expression on my face, but I knew I failed as my mouth hung in slight awe and my eyes widened. Louis, who was oblivious to the confession he had just made, just sent me a smile, kissing my lips before walking off to talk to someone on their crew. The others looked at me, expressions mirroring mine. 

"Because my life wasn't difficult enough, let's add in Louis saying he loves me." 

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