Chapter 32.

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"Why is it that every time you get yourself in some shit I end up getting yelled at?" Nathan asked me frustratedly. I sighed. "I'm not quite sure why Veronica called and chewed you out about it, but look at on the bright side.." I paused as he ushered me to continue. "At least it wasn't me she was fucking out on."

Nathan shoved me lightly, causing me to shove back. "So apart from your insane sister, the psychopathic ex-best friend, and your ex-fiancé begging for your help, how's your life been?" I rolled my eyes at my best friend's words, slapping his arm harshly.

He winced, holding the spot. "My mum called me up a few days ago asking me to go easy on Veronica, but afterwards, she called me back up and said she only asked me to because Veronica was in the room with her. Mum told me that as much as she loves Veronica, she, and I quote, 'deserved it for being a little bitch'."

We both laughed, Nathan holding his stomach and almost falling out of his stool. I held my coffee to my lips, sipping a bit of it before continuing. "Penelope on the other hand, I haven't heard from her in quite a while. I do occasionally see her around, but all she does is glare at me. Louis and the lads think I should be worried that she's planning something against me like she claimed, but I couldn't care less." I paused, sighing deeply before speaking about Victor.

"And Victor's just a self-absorbed dick and that's all there is to it. After I told him to talk to Veronica, he called me insisting on my help because he's afraid she'll kill him or something." I laughed bitterly. "I hope to God she does." Nathan shook his head, rolling his eyes at me. 

I shrugged. "This drink doesn't have enough alcohol in it." I cursed, looking at my cup. Nathan snortedly loudly, causing some people around the shop to stare curiously. "Maybe that's because it's a coffee." He remarked sarcastically, us both rolling our eyes. 

"Don't be an arse." "Don't be an alcoholic." 

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