Cas in Wonderland- Ch 1

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"Cas? Cas. Castiel. Are you even listening?"

"What? Oh. Sorry, Dad," Cas said with an apologetic grin, "The bees were bumping into me and it was distracting."

Chuck just sighed and continued to read out of whatever boring book he expected Cas to listen to for the next, like, 10,000,000 pages.

Another hour passes. Chuck is still reading. Cas is still pretending to listen.

But then some movement in the trees nearby caught Cas's eye.

"Lucifer? What are you doing here?" the little angel whispered, "I'm supposed to be listening to Dad."

Chuck continued to read from his seemingly never ending book.

Lucifer smiled a, well, devilish smile and simply said, "Follow me, little brother. I have something really cool to show you."

Intrigued, Castiel climbed out of the tree he had been sitting in without his father noticing.

They walked for a few minutes, with Castiel getting curiouser and curiouser with every step. Finally, they stopped in front of a tall, very twisty tree. There was a unspectacular looking wooden door set into the wide trunk.

Cas looked up at his big brother with curious blue eyes and asked, "What's in there?"

"How about you go and see?"

Cas pulled open the door, but all he could see was darkness. And then, he was falling. He vaguely heard Lucifer laughing as he fell down, down, down.

The terrified little angel screamed and flailed, but nothing slowed his fall.

Gravity, however, started to change. Soon Cas was drifting down to the floor like a trench-coated feather. Castiel couldn't stop staring as curious objects started to appear on the walls. Upside-down cucoo clocks, glitter-filled hourglasses suspended in air flipping themselves over at random times, footless shoes tapping out rythyms on the walls.

At first it was silent. The silence quickly grew into a deafening cacophony of sound as he started to reach the ground. The second his toes touched the ground, the sound stopped, leaving an even lounder silence ringing in Cas's ears.

One of the only objects in the room was a small, ornate table with a bottle resting on the top. Near this was a fairy-sized door set into the wall. Castiel desperately looked at the door, but there was no way he could fit through the tiny opening. Then he noticed a label on the bottle, reading "Drink me."

Cas couldn't see any way to get through the door, so he picked up the bottle and stared at it for a minute.

Cas reluctantly drank the faintly blue liquid. He felt a little sick. And the floor began to get closer.

Castiel continued to shrink until the table towered over him like a skyscraper. At least he could fit through the door now, he supposed.

The door seemed to radiate light as he got closer, and he pulled it open to reveal a wild, colorful landscape, nothing like anyone could ever imagine, and nothing like he was expecting. 

Hey guys! I think I'm gonna update like every other day? probably? at least for this story 🙃 this was supposed to be a oneshot but... it turned out being 5 or 6 chapters. oh, in case you're confused, this is kid!Cas/wonderland!Cas, whiterabbit!Lucifer (bet you've never heard that one before), madhatter!Dean, and idk a whole bunch of other characters. thanks for reading :-)

       -Katelyn 🐱

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