New Year's Eve

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I interupt your not-so-regularly scheduled Cas in Wonderland for a slightly late New Year's fic. Sorry.

Cas held his glass of champagne high as he navigated the crowd. Yes, this was his house, but for some reason his guests invited other people to his house. He barely knew about half of the people currently partying in his living room.

Two minutes until midnight.

Until 2016.

Cas could barely believe he survived the whole year.

And now he had to survive another 366 days.



Cas didn't have a girlfriend (or boyfriend) and he was a little disappointed that he wouldn't get a New Year's kiss.

One minute to midnight, and people were crowding around the tv to watch the ball drop in New York. Cas ended up standing next to a beautiful green-eyed man.

The man looked at Cas and grinned.

"Hey, I'm Dean."

"My name is Castiel. Do I know you?"

Dean grinned at Cas's question and winked. "Naw, your brother Gabe invited me."

The crowd started counting down to midnight, all eyes glued to the screen. Except Cas's.

Cas was currently trying to stealthily stare at the man next to him.

Damn, Cas thought.

As the countdown neared zero, Dean caught Cas staring.

Dean smirked.

"It seems like you don't have a midnight kiss." That was Dean.

"No, I don't."

"Hey, I don't either." Dean laughed.

Cas blushed, rubbing his neck nervously as Dean grinned.

With a sigh, Dean reached down, tilted Cas's head back, and kissed him, just as the ball dropped and people starting cheering.

Dean pulled away first, surprisingly.

Cas was simply starstruck.

Dean's candy apple green eyes stared Cas down for at least 10 years, Cas thought.

Finally, Dean smiled and stepped back.

"Let's do that again sometime."

Cas was still staring.

"Okay." he whispered.

And with that, Dean turned and sipped his champagne, breaking Cas out of his daydreams.

Cas didn't have to worry about not having a date for Valentine's Day.

IM SORRY ITS LATE BUT HERE'S A CUTE DESTIEL NEW YEARS ONESHOT i have literally no plan for Cas in Wonderland but itll happen eventually i promise. anywayyyyy i hope you liked it 💕💕💕
-Katelyn 🐱

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