Cas is a bit Sherlockian

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It had been exactly two years since Cas died, and Dean was sitting with his head resting on the smooth black marble of the headstone that rested over an empty grave.

Cas had a hunter's funeral, of course, but Dean insisted on having some physical proof of Cas's life.

Dean's finger absently traced the outline of the wings etched onto the stone along with the words, This marks the life of the angel Castiel, who exists in Heaven and Hell for all eternity. He will never be forgotten.

He begins talking to nobody and everybody, specifically to his angel.

"Cas. Please. Don't be dead. One more miracle, for me. Just stop being dead."

Though Dean knows, in his mind, that he won't get an answer, his ears listen for the familiar low tones of his angel's voice.

"Dean." Cas's voice whispers from somewhere behind him.

"You're not.... real. Castiel is not alive, you are not him, leave me alone. Cas is.. gone." Dean chokes out the words through tears.

A hand settles on his shoulder. "Dean, please. I am Castiel. Please, turn around."

"No. No. No, I've heard that way too many times. I'll turn around and you'll be gone. I've fallen for that enough times that I know you are simply my imagination. Please, go away."

Teardrops (or was it just rain?) fell on Dean's hair. Green eyes turn up towards the sky and see gray clouds letting out rain. No silhouette of a dark haired angel standing over him.

Dean stayed for a few more hours, sometimes silent, sometimes talking aloud.

Finally, with his heartbeat way too loud in the beatless graveyard, he stood and walked away.

Later that night, Sam forces his brother into the Impala for dinner. Dean grumbles the whole way to the diner but doesn't turn down a bacon cheeseburger once they get there.

A man's voice, then, offering Dean some pie. Dean startles, at first, because he could almost swear it's Cas's voice asking what flavor of pie he would like. No, this man's voice is too high to be Castiel's. Dean mumbles, "Whatever you have," without even looking up. 

The man comes back with a slice of cherry pie and another glass of water, which he spills right into Dean's lap. Sam looks up and Dean sees surprise flash across his brother's face. Dean, however, attributes the surprise to the freezing water soaking Dean's jeans.

Dean looks up to make a sarcastic remark.

He stops mid breath.

This is not who he expected to see.


"Cas...?" It's a breathy whisper, the name tinged with disbelief.

Castiel smiled. "Hello, Dean."

Dean stood up so quickly his chair fell over, Sam doing the same a second later.

Sam was ecstatic.

Dean looked like steam was going to blow out his ears.

Cas went to hug Dean, Dean meeting him halfway with a kiss.

And a splash of holy water.

And a little bit of silver.

And some iron.

Just in case.

Hey guys!! I'm (kind of) sorry about any feels I may have caused but not really 😘 I'll try to finish Cas in Wonderland soon, I promise. Anyway.  I hope you liked it!
               -Katelyn 🐱

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