Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

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Clouds are marchin' along
Singin' a song, just like they do

Dean's hand dropped along with his phone. Crowley just called.

If the clouds were singin' a song
I'd sing along, wouldn't you too?

He said he heard somewhere that the apocalypse was happening again. For real. Today. No way around it this time.

If you just knew
What they could do

A quick fact-check conducted by Cas confirmed Crowley's story. The world is really just ending?

Oh, if you just knew
What would they do?

Cas explained that the End would just feel like going to sleep. You'll be concious one second, gone the next. You'll never even know it's happening. Comforting, Dean thinks. The thought sounds sarcastic.

And if the birds
Are just hollow words
Flyin' along, singin' a song
What would they do?

Nobody is really sure what to do. What can you do, with a little less than twenty hours? Cas had heard earlier that the End is happening at exactly midnight tonight.

If they just knew
What they could do
Oh, if they just knew

Sam wanted to tell people, so that they can really enjoy the last twenty hours the Earth will ever experince. No, Dean said, We don't want anyone panicking. Sam supposed Dean was right. Why fill their last hours with terror?

I know it's sad
That I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me

Cas wants to lay down and wait.
Sam wants to scream from the rooftops.
Dean just wants to drive far, and fast.

I know it's sad
That I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
No, it never gave a damn about me

Only fifteen hours left, and they still have no idea how they're going to spend them.

I know it's mad
But if I go to hell
Will you come with me or just leave?

They end up going to get burgers at one of Dean's favorite places.

I know it's mad
But if the world were ending
Would you just kiss me or just leave me?
Just leave me?

All three of them are counting down the hours, wondering what to cram into the empty time. But then again, they all think, what's the point if the world is going to simply cease to exist?

Clouds are singin' a song
Marchin' along, just like they do

Time, of course, keeps counting down. Fourteen hours, and neither of the fabled hunters nor the feared angel have moved from their seats in a crappy motel room a few states away from the bunker. Dean thinks it's a shame that all of the Men of Letter's knowledge is leaving with the rest of the world.

If the clouds were playin' a song
I'd play along, wouldn't you too?

It'd be a waste to just stare at the wall, they decide. Dean suggests they take Baby out for one last drive. Just for the sake of driving, see how far they can go in the remaining thirteen hours of their lives.

If you just knew
What they could do
Oh, if you just knew
What would they do?

So they drive. For about two hours, until Dean's hands are shaking and he has to pull over before he crashes the car and shortens their already minimal time remaining.

And if words
Are just hollow birds
Flyin' along, singin' a song
What would they do?

Eleven hours, and they're all just sitting in their spots in the Impala. Dean in the driver's seat, Sam sitting shotgun, and Cas in the middle of the back seat.

If they just knew
What we could do
Oh, if they just knew

For a while they just watched cars go by. Cas reluctantly explained that when the Earth ended, so did Heaven and Hell. Everyone just disappears, simple as that. Sam wonders how he could possibly begin to comprehend the situation before giving up, deciding that he needs more than ten hours to think it all through.

I know it's sad
That I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me

Eight hours. Seven. Six. All three of the once great protecters sit, useless. They accepted a long time ago that there was nothing they could possibly do, especially in the twenty hours they had.

I know it's sad
That I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me
No, it never gave a damn about me

Five, Four, Three. They finally decide to move to a motel room after getting a few weird looks from locals.

I know it's mad
But if I go to hell
Will you come with me or just leave?

Hey, at least they're not going go Hell again, Dean thinks bitterly. Of course, they aren't going to Heaven either. Sam reminds them that they always knew that Heaven was unlikely for the both of them, even before the Apocalypse.

I know it's mad
But if the world were ending
Would you just kiss me or just leave me?
Just leave me?

Two hours. They blandly smile at the lady that checks them into the motel, not even bothering with the usual 'we're brothers'. They want to be close together anyway.

I know it's sad
That I never gave a damn about the weather
And it never gave a damn about me

As the last hour draws to a close, Dean whispers a small I love you to Sam as well as Cas. Heterosexuality be damned. Dean's world ends with a watery smile on his face and both his hands held by the only two people in the world who care about him.

No, it never gave a damn about me.

Holy cheese-its I'm sorry. That was painful. To me, anyway lol. idk I was listening to this song and I thought of destiel, and then another fic on ao3 that I read forever ago, and this happened. This is probably the longerst chapter too woah. Anyway, I hope you like it!
~Katelyn 🐱

ps i just realized that twenty hours from midnight is like four in the morning. hm. i guess that kinda makes sense tho that crowley would call as soon as he found out.

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