Chapter 8

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I walk back into the ballroom casually as if I hadn't left.

I finally find my parents in the crowd of Hawaiians.

We talk more about my flight, my life in the Big Apple, (well actually I try avoiding that subject because it isn't a very good one.) and about me looking for a job. Ugh.

"Mo-om. I told you. I have a method. I bought the shoebox sized apartment because it's a small pay. Also because since I'm starting to travel so much, I'll hardly have to live in it."

"But what about hotel money? Car rentals? Food? Clothes? Essentials?"

"Uh, mom. It's called money."

"Yes sweetie. But one day you won't be able to pull all the money you need out of your pocket. You can't always come running back to us! We love you, but you need to..." My mom turned to my father for help.

"What we're trying to say is you need to move on with life. Grow up. Be your own person." My dad tried saying this in the nicest way possible.

So much for sugar coating it.

"Mom. Dad. I wanna make it big in the photography and journalism world! I wanna discover the world with my Nikon and my journal. If I could get paid for living my dream, tell me now."

"Alice, you live in New York City! You live in the heart of possibilities. They're endless! I'm sure you can find something that's related to what you want to do." my dad says.

Our conversation is interrupted by a waitress in floral clothing.

"Dried fruit?"

I look down on the huge tray the woman is holding. It contains of dried apricots, pineapple slices, seeds, and cranberries.

I take an apricot snack.

It's so sweet!

Luckily, the waitress recognized my parents (from who knows where) and started to talk. I drift away and head to the seat reserved for me.

I sit down and take out the iPhone.

I'm getting a lot of stares...

Am I being rude? Whoops..

After a few minutes, the bride and groom settle everyone down and start to talk about their life on the island, the ceremony, and their plans for the future.

At least they have plans for the future.

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