His Name Is Trouble

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Hermione pov

I can’t believe that insufferable git. how could he do this to me. Bloody hell am I "the brightest witch of the age" or what? why can’t I get rid of that pigmentation challenged ferret. worst still I’m stuck with a stupid voice in my head with stupid opinions I can’t get rid of.

"Hey , that hurt woman." bob sniffed.


"Hey I’m only telling you what you really think. Seriously I’m you.  Just more fun , more outgoing and better" Bob protested indignantly

Hey are you implying I’m boring ?

“well duh didn’t you get the message? Huh, really ‘ brightest witch of her age’? give me a break… “ bob muttered

Hey I heard that , let me tell you something you incredibly annoying…

“HERMIONE STOP RIGHT THERE” a voice I regretted knowing too well yelled across the hallway .

“Too late, hell hath no fury like Ginny Weasely scorned. Ta Ta see you later” bob sniggered .

“Erm hey Gin. Hi um I was just looking for you. Oh look you’re here how wonderful isn’t it?” my voice came out with the cheery false sugary tone that made me shudder in disgust . sometimes I really wonder what’s wrong with me I’m probably the most messed up there is out there.

“Hermione Granger don’t you dare patronize me . I’m telling you better spill… Oh holy Godric  what on earth are you wearing ?” her bulging emerald eyes seem to almost jump out of her eyes sockets.

“Ha ha that would be very funny wouldn’t it? It also solves the problem.” Bob chuckled

I thought you were gone forever?

“Honey I believe you have more pressing matters here to return to, Something along the lines of :” CODE RED , CODE RED” Bob mocked

“Malfoy transfigured all my clothes to a size zero and to his preference of style and colour. Apparently he used a spell I couldn’t recognized therefore I couldn’t break it. Now I’m stuck with these clothes for the time being…”

“Oh Mione , those clothes darling are simply GORGE . I mean who knew that the ferret had taste  finally no more grandma clothes and all your dull drabby colors .” Ginny interrupted ecstatically  

“Like I always say, it’s a free world hun.” Bob smirked.

“ What do you….”

Just then of all timings the bloody Hogwarts bell rang nearly splitting our ear drums signaling the start of classes of the day. “come on Gin lets go . Muggle studies with professor Snape.”

“Tell me about it. Seriously why in the world would the head master put him as our muggle studies teacher. I knew he was always off his rockers. “ Ginny rolled her eyes in defeat.

Draco POV

“Blaise are you bloody deaf now. Haven’t you heard the bell come on, muggles studies with professor Snape.” I snapped irritated that he could figure me out so soon.

“Aww Drake never knew you were such a prude. Seems like a certain beaver has been messing with you.” Blaise grinned evilly .

“Oh I guarantee you Blaise breathe another word and you’ll  regret it. After all lets see what a certain red head has to say after she finds out a creepy pathetic Italian snake has been stalking her. What wonderful entertainment for an wonderful dinner here at Hogwarts wouldn’t it be?” I gave him the death stare to show that I meant every word. Before cussing out  loudly and left the dungeons leaving Blaise wide eyed and  mute quickly scrambling after me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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