Let The Chips Fall Where They May

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I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.  .......Ron White

hermione pov

With much difficulty i slowed down my breaths to appear such that kissing the slytherin prince was no big deal despite my faintly flushed face. With my head held high, I  leisurely strolled to the griffyndor table . I didn't know what came over me but i turned around to face Malfoy and blew him a kiss which he in return winked and smiled a smile of heart stopping porportions. My heart beat stuttered before picking up pace and an unfamilliar feeling washed through me that pulled my lips into an unmistakable grin , one which I can't seem to stop. Before I could even take my seat , I was attack by a mop of raging ginger hair screeching into my ears.

"Hermione Jean Granger , how could you not fricking  tell me?!  What am I to you?! I can't believe you are seriously dating the hot fricking slytherin prince?!"

Her shrill voice rang in my ears, fumbling my thoughts.

"Granger! Granger , for merlin's sake , will you pay attention?!" an unmistakable deep sexy voice mutterred .

I turned around looking confused , Malfoy was sitting far across the great hall . His beautiful deep pools of silver gazed right into my mine and I felt my walls of insecurity crumbling down. His sensual lips pulled into a smirk . I understood immediately, I knew Malfoy was powerful but not to that extreme . For once i was really impressed. He attempted again with skill and precision to use occulmency to enter my mind , I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine . My lips pulling into another smirk , rivalling his signature malfoy smirk, as I forcefully shut my mind and forcefully removed him .   

He pouted , looking irresitibly sexy. My heart did little flips , weakening my resolve.

"Malfoy , you better hope that what you have got to say is worth startling me .The griffyndor princess is pretty good at payback."

"Nothing of such that is comparable to the slytherin's prince payback. but lets leave your childish concerns and move to something more serious. Having not only unbelivable looks , I posses an outstanding mind which have come up with an irresisstable offer. "

"Nothing of such comparable to your tasteless and immature  ways of payback you mean. You are indeed outstanding and unbelivable  such that you are the person that I have come across with such a bloated ego, its a miracle that you are still  here. what is your most possibly  childish and pointless offer?"

"Granger you will be the death of me. getting back to business , I believe we have  somewhat the  same ultimate goal , yours -  to make weasley pay . Mine - I love to see him get a taste of his own medicine. so what I am suggesting is that we become a couple , which is only obviously for show, to get back at weasely. Eventhough I may not be the brightest bulb , but I know never to cross a woman. hell hath no fury like a womwn scorned. Clearly that thick skull of weasely's can't get anything across except to snog . Besides you would get a once in a lifetime chance to spend with the famous and legendary slytherin prince ,not that you would complain, i am sure."

"In fact , I would rather die , however revenge comes first and I would give anything in the worl , even to pretend to like an impossible arrogant ferret who gives himself too much credit than he deserves. "

" so I take that as a yes granger?"

"Unless you are planning to retract your words?"

"Never. Malfoys never take back their words"

I knew for sure that the day would get quite interesting.

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