The Fury Of A Slytherine Jersey

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A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often.    .....Oliver Herford

Hermione POV

I let out an exaggerated sigh, " Ginevra Weasely would you give it a rest? I don't get what is so 'amazing' about Malfoy" I made sure to raise my voice which he would undoubtedly hear. Ginny was the most stubborn witch I have ever come across. Shifting my eyes I caught Malfoy glaring at me, keeping him in check would be the best community service to this school.

I winced when Ginny started wailing. Though it seemed that Ginny has unleashed her true fury but the people who knew her well are well aware that this was just the calm before the storm and i definetely did not want to be there when she explodes. Letting out another sigh at my glorious breakfast which i would never get a chance to relish I darted out of the hall mumuring the same old excuse of going to the library.

Struggling with the thick and dusty volumes of books I made my way hastily towards the library for I  did not want another confrontation. I could still almost her Ginny's high pitched wailing still resounding in my head. Plus, I have a lot of explaining to do . My heart sank at the thought of explaining to Harry. How would he react?

"Hermione." the stupid sexy voice purred sending thrills through my body. My heart stuttered and the books fell with a muted thud on the carpeted floor. Willing myself to be composed, I pulled my lips into a smirk rivalling his own. With a hoarseness I never used before I purred" Draco. What brings you here to the library, or were you stalking me?' my voice came to a whisper as I breathed into his ear.

I felt a sense of satisfaction when his adam's apple bobbled up and down as he shuddered. However he snapped out of it. " Only if you insist my dear sweet little Gryfinddor. Prehaps , I came to rescue a certain beautiful damsel in distress?" his smooth long fingeres traced my jaw line tantalizingly.

"Oh pity, you can't save a damsel if she loves her distress. " My hands traced circles around his muscular chest and  I didn't know what compelled me but i gave him his quick but seductive kiss on his sensual lips before taking a step bak to create distance between us.

" Why, Someone is getting a little naughty,' he mocked witha disappointed pout on his lips.

"Only if you insist my dear sweet slytherine. If you want me you will have to catch me." I teased .Blowing hiim a kiss , I ran with all my might to the black lagoon and feverently hoped that he wouldn't be able to catch me.

Draco POV

I stood there for a moment completely stunned by Hermione's seductive and flirtatious side, I had never seen anybody so composed when I turned my charm on them. She even challenged me and almost won.  Its a pity that the carrot top never cherished her enough... I was immeadiately jarred back to reality . Hermione is so going to regret challenging a Malfoy cause we Malfoys never lose.

Hermione POV

I had no doubt that my face was flushed red now as i could feel my blood coursing through my veins . I felt completely at ease with the wind in my hair and ignored the fact that it blew off my barret . My soft almond brown hair cascaded past my shoulders in elaborate curls as I relished the amazing feeling.

To my utmost despair , I felt strong muscular arms around my waist. fighting the intense compulsion of leaning into his chest i jerked my waist violently out of his grasp. Expecting to fall on the soft emerald grass , all that my mind could register was the coldness seeping into my warm cashmere cardigan. As a reflex i quickly filled my lungs with air before the black waters of the black lagoon submerged me.

Draco POV

My heart thudded to a stop. had that just really happened. Hermione fell into the black lagoon? Suddenly her pale hand in stark contrast to the black waters appeared out of the waters but as soon as it appeared it disappeared, and that jolted me. without even thinking I shrugged of my jersey i dove into the lagoon. I couldnt see anything and was failing my arms helplessly trying to get a hold of her, nothing could happen to her. My supply of oxygen was running out. reluctantly I surfaced, blood was pounding in my head as fear began to obscur my vision . I never felt this kind of fear before . the intensity of it , it was not even close to the time when voldermort was still alive.

"Hermione! " I shouted out repeatedly  till my lungs felt like it was going to burst. Taking another big gulp of air, i dove into the waters again, my hope was diminishing as quickly as my air supply ran out. At the moment when I thought all hope was lost I felt her delicate waist and imeadiately hoisted her up to the soft emerald patch of grass. We lay thoroughly exhuasted side by side as Hermione spluttered and staring coughing . Involuntarily , I gently patted her back to calm her down also to reassure myself that she was alive.

Hermione pov

I sat there coughing, before lying down trying to slow my accelerated heartbeats . We lay their silently listening to each other breaths and heartbeats slow down. I certaintly had no doubt that I was going to die and the most amazing thing is that Malfoy saved me. Tilting my head to face him, my breath caught as the sunlight caught his platimum blonde hair and emphazing his otherworldly breathtaking face. He tilted his face to me and parted his sensual lips to speak . I braced myself for some stupid moronic remark that he would make to ruin this moment but surprised me again .

"Are you okay?" His voice rough with tension.

My eyes soften and scooted closer to him , snuggling to his side desperate for his warmth. He seemed to read my mind and brought his arm over ny torso. We laid there unmoving , hearing each other heartbeats. However unfortunately the unmistakable chime of Hogwarts resounded throughout reminding us that we have potions class next.

Both of us graoned in usion . I started to get my brushing of the stray bits of grass that clung stubbornly to my drenched skirt.  My cashmere coat was completely soaked in water and was realy haevy , plus i needed to get dry fast.  Unbuttoning the pearl button coat I felt much lighter when it fell to the ground.

However I noticed that Draco was gaping at me. Fustrated , I looked down only to feel my blood rushing to my cheeks tinting it red. My previously white opaque blouse was now see through and my ivory green bra was now glaringly visible . Placing my hands on my hips ,  I glared furiously at him.

He shot me a sheepish smile and and smirked his signature smirk, " Who knew the griffyndor princess would look so hot in green."

 " Shut up Malfoy." I shot back at Malfoy.

Draco got up and rose to his full height apparently he was too wearing a white shirt and I had a full perfect view of his godly abs . My face got impossibly redder and draco seemed to realise that and tactfully chose not say anything  and went to retrieve his dry jersey to put on put . My heart melted at his simple yet thoughtful gesture by giving him a kiss on his lips. Wanting to deepen the kiss his arms snaked around my waist to bring me even closer as my hand found its way to the nape of his head twirling the stray pieces of platinmum hair . Draco's intoxicating colonge engulfed my senses and I felt as though the world stopped.

" Thats one pretty hot way of exoressing your grattitude?" he mocked as we broke apart.

"Well Malfoy , I can even show you one that is hotter afterwards." I shot him a seductive wink. In which he smirked in return.

"May I? My fair maiden." He held out his hand,

Giggling , I gladly took his hand and laced my fingers through his.

"Yes, you may my dear knight."

"Ms Granger and Mr Malfoy both of are  late." snape's voice boomed, as he shot me a menacing glare that sent shudders down my spine. I could feel Draco's hand around mine wuth his thumb tracing circles at the back of my hand assuring me that he was there for me. I tried to suppress a smile as I gave him a tight squeeze of appricieation . 

But if looks could kill I would be probbaly dead by now. Snape's coal black eyes seemed to be ignited with an unfathomable fury and he took in another big breath preparing to lash out his fury at me.

 But was interrupted by the uproar of the whole class.

The females were swooning over their perfect view of Malfoy's abs and started hyperventilating . I involuntarily gritted my teeth and tighten my grip on Malfoys hand.  Malfoy obviously noticed it and could not help but tried to suppress a smirk as Professor Snape's attention were fully on us.

"Oh no fricking way!"

"Is hermione wearing Malfoy's jersey?"

"They must have been at it in the woods'

"Someone call madam promfrey, I think I am going to faint"

And just like that I realised the "power" of a stupid slytherine jersey , especially one that has the words 'MALFOY' in bold at the back.

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