Fear of the Dark

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Psychiatry. An abnormal fear of night or darkness. 

Origin:    nycto- + -phobia  

You didn't really think that was it did you? How could I write a story and then just die on you? Nah, I'm too nice for that.  You remember where we were right? My spectactular dive off of the seven story building? Good times. 

Not really. I was sure I was going to die. Like ninety nine percent sure. And yet, here I am. I probably should've died. Because what really happened was worse. My father was prepared. Somehow.... he knew. Somehow he knew I was going to jump. Because there, on the balcony 2 flights down from where I swan dived, were three of his henchmen, ready to catch me. I lived, but it HURT. Have you ever fallen two stories only to be caught by three burly men? Didn't think so. I passed out. 

When I woke up, I was tied up. And aching all over. Especially my head. My head was pounding in time with my heart. It was dark. I took a shaky breath, trying to stay calm. I had to try and remember everything that had happened. Okay. I had to ignore the dark. Just think Shay. THINK. It was the dark. I couldn’t think straight.

After my dad died I still kept his dictionary. I went back to the A’s, looking for words that sounded funny. Nyctophobia was a good one. “Nyctophobia. Noun. An abnormal fear of night or darkness.” I whispered to keep calm. It was especially prevalent to me, considering I was petrified of the dark. It was keeping me from thinking straight and remembering what had happened to me. There was an alarm…. That much I remembered. And running. Lots of running. And then what? Something happened. Something that made me end up with these bruises. Dammit. I couldn’t remember, and the dark seemed to be getting closer. A soft whimper forced it’s way past my lips. I was shaking, and I couldn’t tell if it was from my fear or the cold. Then there was a voice.

“Shay?” someone whispered. “Shay is that you?” I jerked in the direction of the voice. It sounded familiar. Well of course it was familiar. Who else would know my name? Oh God. Someone else had been caught. But why? All I could remember was running across rooftops. Why had I been alone? Evelyn was supposed to be with me…

“Who’s there?” I asked, my voice hushed.

“It’s Leah,” she whispered. Oh no. Leah, who refused to use a gun. Sweet Leah. Innocent Leah. She shouldn’t have even had to be there. It was Amanda’s idea, in case something happened to me. This was bad. Bad bad bad. Leah wouldn’t do well if they tortured her. I’d have to make sure they took me first. And hopefully Amanda, Alyssa, and Evelyn would come up with a rescue plan in the meantime. Or blew up the building. Either way would work. Sure we’d be dead, but it was better than being tortured. The government was notorious for their lack of a conscious when it came to prisoners. And that’s what we were. Prisoners. And that had the right to kill us.

I army crawled my way over to Leah. It was slow going, considering my wrists and ankles were tied with rope. The wrists were burning by the time I made it. I touched her knee, and she squeaked. Oh Leah.

“Shh Leah. Relax. It’s just me,” I whispered, still shaking in fear. But I couldn’t let her see it. She was depending on me. I took shaky breaths. “Are you tied up?” I kept my voice low, waiting for answer.

“Oops sorry, I forgot you couldn’t see me. Yes.” I laughed quietly and weakly. Only Leah would  nod in complete darkness.

“Okay, well we need to get out of here. What happened to you? What about Lyssa and Evie and Mandy?” I heard her sniffle. She must have been crying.

“I don’t know! Alyssa made me hide because there were guards and they were going to shoot us.”

 I bit my lip, thinking. “Then what?”

“Then they drew them off. So I came out, and one of them grabbed me. They hit my over the head, and then I’m here.” Her voice was shaking even more than mine.

“Do you think you’re bleeding? Or just bruised?” I asked. We had all done first aid training before we had started this mission, so she should know.

“I think it’s just bruised. I have a headache.” I nodded. That made sense.

“Just don’t fall asleep, okay? You might have a concussion. I fell asleep, and now I’m missing stuff.”

“Stuff?” Leah whispered. “Like what.” I held back a sigh. If I knew what I was missing, I wouldn’t be missing it.

“I don’t know yet. It’ll come back. Hopefully.”

We fell into silence, which ruined the distraction I had been making for myself to keep the fear away. The dark was taking over again. Who knew how long we’d be stuck in here? Or what would happen when we got out? Oh no. Oh God, oh no.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, Shannon.” My dad held me. I was only three. I had been crying after a nightmare, waking up to the darkness that always frightened me. Anything could be there. “There’s nothing in the dark that will hurt you. I will always be here to make sure of that.”

“Otay daddy.” I said, holding onto him. And I believed him. Nothing would get me in the dark as long as he was there. So I went back to sleep, feeling safe and sound.

My father was gone now, and no one was there to protect me from the things the darkness could hide. And today, anything could be waiting for me. Death, certainly. Torture? A definitely possibility. I couldn’t think of a way out of this.

“Leah, I’m going to see where the door is okay? Stay awake.” I felt bad for her. I knew that her body would want to sleep. I didn’t want her to pass out though. We wouldn’t get out of this if she fainted on me. So I army crawled again. I felt along the wall, trying to find a door. I froze at the sound of a creak. A door. Oh shit. Someone was here to get us. One of us at least. It couldn’t be Leah. “Take me.” I said, my voice stronger than I thought would be possible. I could do this. I could be brave. I heard laughter, harsh and unyielding. It made my spine tingle in fear.

“Oh Shannon. You were always a brave one, weren’t you?” His voice echoed in my brain.

“Daddy?” I whispered.

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