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a violent uprising against an authority or government.

The fact that we had finally made the decision to stay helped my head to stop pounding. I’d never really been a leader type, and I didn’t really want that to change, but as I looked around the room at my friends, I could tell they were all looking at me to save their lives. How could I do that? Right now, my stomach burned with anger at my father. All I wanted was revenge, no matter what I had said before.

Of course the starving people were important, but my father had betrayed me. He’d killed my friend, and had chased me off of a building. There was no way to take any of that back. He had let me grow up without him. It was his fault I was here. It was his fault that I knew most of the things I did. Now was my chance to show him exactly who I was. He might’ve been my blood, but that didn’t make him my family anymore. Lyssa was my family. Lyssa, Tara, Evelyn, Jaden. They were family. And Leah. And he’d ruined it.

I took deep breaths to calm my angry thoughts, rubbing my arm absently. Tara caught my eye. “Shay? Are you okay?” Jaden looked up from cleaning his gun quickly. His eyes narrowed, worried.

“Guys. I’m fine. I just… I need to take a walk.” Evelyn started to get up, but I waved her down. She had done her job. She’d protected me while we did our job. But now I needed to be alone.  I walked down the steps quickly, heading for the door.

“Shay? Where are you going?” I heard Mr. George ask, and my fingernails dug into my palms. I hadn’t been completely alone in days. Why didn’t he understand that I needed to think? I already told him I would help. But right now, for Pete’s sake, I just needed to walk, to calm my thoughts, and organize them.

“I need to go outside. I need to walk. Alone.”  My voice stayed low, but I hoped he would understand by my tone that I would not accept company.

I heard him sigh. I thought he was about to stop me, but maybe he decided against him, because he said “Don’t go far.” Well no shit. We were in the middle of a war, and my friends and I were wanted by the government. I thought I’d go to the shops. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

As the door shut behind me, I sighed in relief. Finally alone. As I walked, I made sure to remember what turns I took with one part of my brain, the other part wandering. I thought of Jaden, but my face started turning red just at the thought of the handsome soldier. I’d really have to find out more of his story eventually, but not now.

I took a shaky breath and let my mind wander down a painful road. My mother. Would she really want this? Would she want me to fight my own father? Would she want me to risk my life, assuming that these strangers knew what they were doing? Or would she have told me to run, run as far as I could? Take my friends and go? I would never know. A lump came to my throat, and I had to swallow hard. I wouldn’t let tears come to my eyes, but I still felt like I might.


We had started out wanting nothing more than to stop the government from destroying what was left of our planet. None of us had wanted a full scale war. Was that really the only option? Wasn’t there any other way around it? Maybe I wouldn’t be able to get my revenge, but… No. I’d already promised to help, and I couldn’t take that back.

As I walked, I had gotten lost in thought. I came back into reality in time to hear footsteps behind me. Shit, I didn't have my gun, or even a dagger. Dammit. I called myself seven kinds of idiot and stopped. I would have to use my hands and feet. I planted my feet solidly, making sure they were square with my shoulders. Whoever it was was in for a surprise. I was small and they wouldn't be able to see the muscles hidden under my clothes. They would think I was another starved girl.

Thank God I had gotten hand to hand combat lessons from Evelyn. I took a deep breath as the footsteps got closer. Wait for it.... 

As soon as they were close enough, I spun on my heel, my eyes scanning the guys height, and knew exactly where to kick. My other heel kicked right above the guys knee, forcing him to one knee. He was lucky  I didn't kick him lower, or I would've broken his kneecap.

The guy swore breathlessly. "Holy shit!" I looked him up and down and frowned. He didn't look like someone who wanted to kill me. He was too young. He didn't even have any facial hair, and he was just as dirty as I had been before my shower.

"That was crazy!" he said, laughing a little as he stood up. He shook his leg out.  "You're really powerful for a little chick." 

"Who are you, and why are you following me?" I asked, already sure of the answer and tensed to run. 

"What?? Why would I follow you? I mean sure, you're cute, but I'm not that kind of guy." I frowned even more. Wait, he wasn't after me. Well shit.

"I um.... sorry about that." I coughed, my face red.

"Hey no biggie. That's an interesting first impression. I'm Dean." he said, holding his hand out. 

I bit my lip and shook it, coming up with a quick name. "Marie." I answered. "I gotta... go." I started walking back the way I had come quickly. Of course he wasn't after me. How would they know where we were so fast? And there ARE normal people out there still Shay.

"I'll see you again Marie!" he yelled towards me. Aw shit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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