Chapter 2: Jealous

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Ding-Dong went the door,  Maya got the door. Lucas was standing there with a smile.

Josh's P.O.V

Maya exclaimed "Lucas, Hi!" She hugged Lucas with excitement.

I rolled my eyes.

I went over and said "Hey cowboy!"

"Hey Josh!" He said.

Maya, Lucas, and myself stood there just staring at each other when Riley came over and said "Lucas! Hey."

"Hey!" Lucas said

Maya had a slightly confused face, then said "Lucas why don't we go sit down."

Maya's P.O.V
They just sat there looking at each others face, sometimes I think he forgets I exist."

I asked him to go sit down then Josh said "May I join? Let's catch up!"

In my head I thought shoot! But on the outside I said "Sure!"

When we sat down it was awkward silence, until Josh said "so! How's you're relationship going?"

"Relationship?!" Lucas and I both said then looked at each other, and then back at Josh.

"I wouldn't really call it a relationship." Lucas said

"Then what would you call it cowboy?" Josh said

"A friendship building into a relationship!" I exclaimed

Lucas nodded his head in agreement.

Josh rolled his eyes.

"You got a problem with that!?" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yeah actually I do!" Josh shouted.

"Josh stop!"  I exclaimed

"I see the way you look at Riley and the way you look at Maya, it's different, don't string Maya along! She deserves better than some cowboy who can't makeup his mind." Josh said

"Excuse me! Maya is very important to me and I care very much about her." Lucas told Josh

" I hope so cowboy. I don't want to see Maya get hurt."

"Why do you care! All you do is hurt me, over and over!" I shouted

"I'm looking out for you Maya! I care very deeply for you. You wouldn't understand." Josh said.

"Why because I'm three years younger than you?!" I questioned

"No! Because your not confused on your feelings and how to handle them."

Josh's P.O.V
Maya stood up and said "C'mon Lucas,  we have more important things to do."

They than left. "Ugh I'm so stupid!" I moaned. Jealously is not a good look on me!" I shouted,

Then I heard a voice say "You're jealous!"

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