~~~Chapter One~~~

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~~~This is a story based on a dream that Wattpad user loonyraelovegood (Amy) told me about~~~

~~~DISCLAIMER: I don't care about what any other silly werewolf fic says. I'm writing my own wererules, goshdarnit.~~~


It was well after sunset, and Amy sat in the kitchen on the day they met. She was settling into her chair with a snack when she heard the door open and shut. She turned toward the living room, mouth full of pemento sandwitch. "Amy! Look what I found!" her mother's voice called. Amy's eyes drifted down to the wriggling jacket cradled in the woman's arms. Amy stood and limped toward the couch where her mom was beggining to unwrap two grey puppies. They waddled onto Amy's lap and began climbing all over her. She giggled and started scratching one behind the ears. It wasn't uncommon for her mom to bring home strange animals. She liked photography, and spent a lot of time out taking pictures of beach wildlife when she wasn't working. Amy's mom was notorious for always having new and exotic "pets". There were also a lot of strays that ran around the neighborhood, so these little guys probably didn't belong to anyone. Amy wondered what breed they were. The dogs resembled wolves a little but were the size of a common domestic pet. Probably just mutts, she thought. "There's a bigger one down in the car. Must be their dad. He's pretty beat up." her mom commented. "Do we have the money for another 'patient'?" Amy asked. "Amy, let me worry about that." her mom snapped.

They walked to the car, the full moon illuminating the steps. As they opened the car doors a light shone down on a huge dark grey dog in the backseat. He had flecks of black through his coat, and an expression contorted by pain on his face, though he seemed to be sleeping. The wounds were large, and covered most of his neck and shoulder. "He looks awful..." Amy muttered. "Found him by the road. Must've been hit by a car." her mom answered.

Amy and her mom carried the animal into the house and laid him on the couch to rest. Amy offered to help clean him up but her mother insisted she be left alone. Amy slinked into her room, tired from having to lift the heavy dog. It was a laborous task, especially with her sore leg. She laid on her back and glanced at the clock on her bedside. 11:23 p.m. it shined. She decided to pull up a fanfiction on her phone, turned out the lights, and curled up in bed to read.

It was nearly 1 a.m. and  Amy could barely keep her eyes open when she heard the creak of her door opening. A voice whispered, "Amy, are you awake?" "Yeah, Mom." "Well come in here for a second." Amy grunted in response as she climbed out of bed. "Help me tie this knot." her mother said as she knelt over the dog, who was now very much awake. She had wrapped gauze all around his chest and shoulder. Amy put her finger over the knot so her mother could finish without it loosening. As the knot was finished Amy locked eyes with the creature staring up at her. He had beautiful blue eyes. Not the kind that sparkle or lock you in when you see them, but a pale sky blue that was gorgeous in a subtle way. They were filled with pain, but also with life.

As Amy stood to leave, wobbly not so much from her leg but from pure grogginess, she heard a rustling from the couch and as she reached the hall the sound was a the slow, hobbling clicks of paws on a hardwood floor behind her. She turned around to see the dog was following her to her room. "He likes me!" she squealed. "You probably just smell like food. " she heard the grumbling voice of her stepdad call from the bedroom. Ugh, I wonder when he got home, she thought, why couldn't he haul this beast up the stairs? She simply rolled her eyes and went into her room, helping the injured dog onto her bed before laying down beside it and going to sleep.


As Amy woke up, she took a deep breath and reached up to move the hair from her face. As she started to turn her head she realised something was very wrong. Whose arm was around her waist? She didn't know whether to scream or jump out of bed, so she did both. Unfortunatley, in the process she managed to trip over her sheets and land with a "thud" beside her bed.

She backed against the wall and watched as a very confused boy, no man, was waking up in her bed. His eyes opened softly, and then began to widen as he saw the frightened girl on the ground, too shocked to make a sound. She realized she was staring, but didn't care. It could be because she was scared half to death, but also becasue her intruder was gorgeous. He had mussed up, dark curls that framed his face nicely and there were a lot. His face was made of sharp features and a helluva jaw line. He had a defined chest, uncovered by the sheets, with lightly tanned olive skin.

As they locked eyes, her's filled with fear and awe, his with shock and confusion, she noticed they were pale blue and seemed oddly familliar. Before she could give them a second thought he blinked and jumped out of bed, with only a sheet to cover him. "I am so, so sorry." he began, he sounded embarrassed but strangely calm. "Please don't scream, and don't call the police yet. I'm begging you." his voice low yet boyish. She couldn't scream if she tried. The mixture of shock and fear and amazement welling up inside her was paralyzing.

"I can't remember how exactly I got here, or where I am, but if you'll just give me a second to get my bearing I'll be on my way, I swear." Amy simply nodded. They looked at eachother in silence for a moment, he standing tall in nothing but a sheet, she still backed against the wall staring back up. Blushing, he asked finally, "Do you have any clothes I could-" "Yes. Yeah. Sure. Hold on." She stammered, scrambling to her feet. She walked around the bed and past the boy, trying her best not to peek at him as she awkwardly shuffled past him and into the closet. She managed to find a very large pair of baggy shorts, as well as an old T-shirt from her father.

Neither looked at eachother as she handed him the clothes. She sat on her bed and turned away as he changed in the corner. Oh my gosh, she thought, theres a really nice looking boy in my bedroom. I have to tell Fallon.

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