~~~Chapter Three~~~

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Things were in slow motion. Amy only knew she was falling. In that moment that was all there was. Falling. And Fear. As she tumbled face first ever closer to the bottom steps, something amazing happened. Cloud, who was just at the top of the stairs, managed to catch her. She didn't know how, and for a second she didn't care as she landed in a hot boy's arms after seeing her life flash before her eyes. But then she realized that it couldn't be possible for him to have caught her. You simply cannot be at the top of those stairs one second and at the bottom the next. Not without falling, that is.

The next thing she realized was that she had her arms tightly wrapped around a stranger's neck with her face buried in his chest. She looked up at him and let go as he gently set her down. "You okay?" he asked bending slightly to match her height. She wobbled on her injured leg. "Yeah, it's just my foot. I had surgury on it a few months ago and I'm still having trouble with it." She looked him in the eye. "How did you catch me?" His cool expression fell as if he was hoping she'd somehow forgotten. She could tell he was trying to regain his footing, so she swooped in. "That was impossible. You can tell me if there's something you're hiding." This may sound like an odd thing to ask, but Amy always secretly hoped the boys she met were like the ones from her silly vampire novels.

 Cloud stood looking more anxious with every question. Finally he grabbed her by the shoulders. "Amy."  She went on, "Really I know how to ke-" "Amy." he repeated, this time more forcefully. Something hidden beneath his voice caught her. "I need to know where I am."  he said very steadily.

"We're near Galveston, if that helps." she said, thinking he probably wouldn't recognize the name of the run-down town they were in, and Galveston was only an hour away. "Where?" he asked, looking very confused. "Galveston. You know, upper Texas coast..." Does he really not know where he is? "Oh God." he grumbled, lowering himself to the stairs. He put his face in his hands. "What? Where did you think you were?" She sat beside him. He rubbed his forehead and looked off down the road. "I didnt know the guys would want to get rid of me so badly." he murmured. 

She turned her whole body to him. She could sense he needed help, and there was definitely something he was hiding. "I mean it when I say you can trust me." she said, taking his hand. He looked down at their fingers and into her eyes. Their was longing and helplessness in his, not like a boy of his size should have. Well, I... Um...." he faltered. She nodded. Please be a vampire, please be a vampire, please be a vampire, please be a vampire. "I can really trust you?" His face was the epitome of innocence. "Of course." she said, as convincingly as she could manage. "Well, and I'm only telling you because I'm dead either way, I'm what you might call a 'werewolf'..." he admitted. Close enough, she thought as she internalized a squeal.

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