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So I wanted to tell you all I can't update anytime soon, due to play practice, but also I wanted to discuss something else.

I feel as if this book is going no where good. The plot is just getting worse and I legit have no point of writing anymore.

The first chapter I wrote had 25 thousand views and my last chapter has 152.


I was going to upload a sequel, although I did not want to, for the sake of all of you, but now I see there aren't much of you here anymore, so there is no point to continue.

There will be about 3 or so chapters until the end.

I'm sorry but my readers have gone down from the beginning and I was planning on ending soon anyways.

Thank you, and trust me, I have more coming.

(wink, wink)

I may or may not be writing at the moment for a new book.

Love all 152 of you fellow friends,


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