House of Wolves

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~5 Months Later~

Amethyst's going to be so excited, I've been away for a while. Right when Amethyst and I settled into moving in together My Chem broke up and Death Spells went on tour. When I left there was nothing but a little bump on my girlfriends stomach. Of course, its not my kid but before I left I was getting really attached to him or her. Ame was only 3 months pregnant when I left and I was so excited to see her and the baby. "Dude, come on move it, assholes!" I yelled at the traffic before pulling from my cigarette. I honked my horn. "I NEED TO GO HOME!" I yelled at no one in particular. "Fucking pricks." I mumbled before taking another pull of my cigarette. I took my phone out and checked for any messages from anyone but nothing. I looked back up at the awful traffic which finally started moving. "This is going to take forever!" I whined to myself while switching on my Black Flag CD.

~2 Hours Later~

I finally pulled into my driveway lowering Black Flag, I smiled widely, this was it! I get to see my girl after so long. I turned off my engine and hopped out of the car quickly. I opened up the trunk and grabbed my two suitcases before shuffling over to the front door and opening it. Its very quiet, I wonder where Amethyst is? "UGHHHHHHH FUCK YOU!" I heard Amethyst yell from upstairs. I raised an eyebrow. "BABY, DADDY'S HOME!!!!!!" I yelled. "Frank? FRANKIE!" Amethyst squealed before she ran down the stairs and into my arms. "Be careful baby, its not just you in there!" I said with a laugh. The dogs started jumping up to greet me also. "I missed you guys too!" I said looking down at the dogs and laughing. I put my face into Amethyst's neck. "I missed you so much baby." I mumbled taking in her scent. She held me tighter, "I missed you too Frankie." I took my face from her neck and kissed her hard. "Definitely missed you." I mumbled before biting her lip. She smiled gently and hugged me again squealing. I put my bags by the staircase. "What were you yelling about upstairs?" I asked before kissing her forehead. "My clothes, they don't fit me anymore." She whined. I stepped back and looked at her stomach. "You got big baby." I said before putting my hand on her stomach, she hit my arm hard. "Ow! What?!" I yelled retracting my hand, "Don't say that! I'm fat!" Ame whined, I frowned, "No, you're pregnant. There's a difference." I said before picking her up and carrying her up the stairs. She hid her face in my neck and sighed. "Did you find out what the baby is yet?" I asked as I gently laid her on the bed. She nodded, "Well? What is it?" I asked before kissing her cheek and laying down next to her. "Its a girl." She said quietly, "Really?!" I put my hand on her stomach and rubbed the bump gently. She nodded. "Baby, lets keep her, seriously." I mumbled rubbing her stomach more. Amethysts eyes widened, "Frankie, that's not a good idea." "Why not Ame? I love her like my own daughter, you're her mother. She deserves to be with you and I'm so willing to be her dad." I said before kissing Ame. Amethyst just layed there and stared at me, "Are you serious?" I nodded and she looked like she was going to cry. " Don't cry babe. Its okay." I whispered against her cheek. "My hormones are all out of whack." She whined wiping her tears and then smiling. She kissed me gently, "Thank you." she mumbled, I put my lips on her shoulder and I rubbed her belly more, I felt a kick. "Was that her?!" I asked looking up at Ame, she smirked and nodded. "That's so crazy." I murmured lifting up her shirt and kissing her belly. Amethyst ran her fingers through my hair. I looked up at Ame from her belly and she looked so good, her chest was so much bigger and she looked so amazing. I couldn't help it, its been months since I got any. I rubbed her belly more and kissed her stomach and then I kissed lower and lower. "What are you doing?!" Amethyst squealed trying to pull away. "I'm horny." I mumbled grabbing her hips. "Frankie no!" She squeaked, "Why not?" I whined looking up at her. She blushed, "Because! Stop." Amethyst mumbled. I raised an eyebrow and climbed up to her and laid my head on her belly. "What's wrong baby?" I asked rubbing her thigh gently. "I feel so fat Frankie. I don't feel good about myself." Ame mumbled covering her face. "Baby..." I mumbled, I kissed her belly gently before laying down next to her, she put her head on my chest and sighed. I kissed the top of her head. "Baby, you're beautiful. I think you look amazing Ame." "You have to say that, you're my boyfriend." She whined. I put my finger under her chin and drew her lips to mine. "Babe, let me show you how much I love you." I whispered before biting her bottom lip. "I-I don't know Frankie..." Amethyst said pulling down her shirt. I kissed her neck gently and then gave it a gentle bite. Amethyst groaned, "Frankie!" "I'm gunna torture you." I nibbled on her ear, she pushed me away or she tried to anyway. I pinned down her arms and kissed her belly gently before kissing up to her chest. "Frankie! Stop." She warned. "Why?" I mumbled pulling up her shirt. "Frank Anthony Iero Junior! Please! Stop!" She begged, her voice was filled with anxiety and worry. I frowned and let go of her wrists and crawled off of her. "Amethyst I don't get it, let me show you how much I love you!" I said as Sweet Pea jumped on the bed and on top of me. "You don't understand, you were getting close to my breasts." She said fixing her shirt. I raised an eyebrow."I don't get it." "I'm leaking. That's why I'm wearing this shirt in the first place." I looked over at her. "Leaking what? Milk?" "Colostrum." She said before petting Sweet Pea. "What is that?" I asked before kissing her shoulder. "Its pre-milk. Its yellow." "Oh....ew." She shrugged and then kissed me again. "Yeah, ew is right." She mumbled sadly, "So then I won't kiss or suck them. Can I touch them?" I asked putting Sweet Pea on the bed and then kissing Amethyst gently. "Fine." She murmured, I smiled widely at her. I put my hands on her chest and kissed her gently. "You're so gorgeous." I said quietly before biting her neck. Amethyst whimpered gently, "O-Okay, make love to me." "Happily." I smiled, "Pea, off the bed." Sweet Pea jumped down and I kissed Amethyst and then her belly gently, "I'll be gentle." I said before kissing her again and then taking off my shirt and then hers.

"I'm hungry." Amethyst said as I wiped sweat off my forehead. I kissed her stomach once more before laying next to Ame. "Isn't it me who is supposed to complain about hunger after sex?" I asked holding her hand. She giggled quietly, "Frankie pwease." She begged in a child's voice. "Alright, what do you want?" I asked getting up and putting on clothes. "I want...corn and burgers." I groaned. "Ill go fire up the grill." I said kissing her lips gently. "Ill go make pina coladas!" I raised my eyebrows, "No you won't." "Virgin pina coladas. I forget sometimes that Im pregnant." I rolled my eyes and then smirked. "Well don't forget." I said before passing her a tank top. "Thank you baby." I winked at her and then went downstairs to the backyard. "Ame!" I yelled, she peaked her head out of the window upstairs. "Get out the corn and burgers please babe." I yelled to her. "Okay!" I smiled up at her before I heard serious barking inside the house. "What the fuck is going on?" I mumbled fixing the grill. I set the table and chairs for me and Amethyst and at least 4 dogs to be on. The barking just wouldn't stop, "What the fuck?!" I hissed, "BABY!" I yelled, "Frank." I turned around quickly. "Oh my God what are you doing here?" I asked slamming the grill top.


Dun dun dunnnnnnn. Should I add a sex scene for Frank and Amethyst? I think it would be cute but comment and let me know please! ♥ Thank you to the people still reading this story after years of making it. ♡♥ Thank you!

Donna Deadlysins ♥♥

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