The Aftermath is Secondary (Chap 2)

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~Donna's P.o.V~

I groaned waking up in a brightly lit room, "Amethyst?" I groaned in response again, "Don't move babygirl." "Daddy?" I asked quietly, Gerard came into my view, "Hey there." he whispered then kissed my forehead, "Wh-What happened?" I asked, my throat was dry and aching and my tongue felt like sand paper, "You got drunk and the cut yourself, blood runs thinner on alochol and you had a lot of blood loss and you collpased." Dad said, "Frank...I want Frank." I whispered, dad widened his eyes, "Why him?" he asked, "Because he's my best friend dad." "I'm right here." I looked up at Frank who gave me a worried smile, "Frankie! Hi!" I said smiling in a raspy voice, "Hey sweetie..." he looked nervous, dad took my hand and rubbed it gently, "How long have I been asleep?" I asked, "3 days." Gerard said, I frowned, "Amethyst... when you said you thought I loved Bandit you actually think that?" Dad asked, "Its okay dad I know it's true." "Amethyst Donna Way, that is no where near the truth." Dad said caressing my hand, "Well mom l-" "Your mother has been calling every 5 fucking seconds to see if our baby is awake and okay!" "I don't care." I mumbled, "Yeah?! Cause I do. What were you trying to kill yourself?" he asked, I groaned, "Yeah...I guess." "Why...why would you do that?" he asked, "Cause I'm not Bandit! I'm the one person who sits in the corner and wishes I had the attention you put on her! Just because you have a fucking daughter that can play piano and draw like you, I'm all alone. The only person ever there was Frank, well thank fuck for Frank cause if he or Cherry didn't exist I would be dead by now." I said simply, Gerard's jaw dropped, "I'm that bad of a father?" he asked, "Not when you pay attention daddy." I pulled his hand and he kissed my forehead, the door to the room swung open, "MY FAVOURITE NIECE EVER!" I looked up and smiled, "Aunt Amy!" I said happily, she kissed my forehead, Uncle Mikey got a divorce from Alicia when he found her with Pedicone. (Not actually true, for the story) Aunt Amy came into the picture about 4 years ago, she's a good match for Uncle Mikey...they both like bringing heaters into the shower.

~Frank's P.o.V~

Amethyst looked so fragile laying there, her face ghostly pale, yet she was still radiant, a beautiful smile plastered on her face as she saw Amy. What's with all the lovey talk Frank she's 16. Fuck...dude. I don't know if it's how mature she can be but...she's gorgeous, inside and out, she may have one of those simple teenage problems but everyone does, she's such an amazing person. Honestly...fucking amazing, "I need a cigarette." Donna mumbled, I smiled slightly at her, "Well let me go get the doctor." Gerard said leaving me, Amy, Mikey and Amethyst alone."My favourite niece in the whole world!" Amy squealed, Donna smiled wide, "I didn't expect to see you. But its a fucking rad suprise." Donna said looking at Amy, "Mikey called me and told me and I started freaking the hell I drove here." Amy said beaming with pride, "Well at least you care." Donna said a tear rolling down her porcelain skin, "Amethyst...we all care." Mikey said, she looked at him, "Who's your favourite niece?" Amethyst asked, "Donna. You are my favourite what has gotten into you." "Your extremely hardheaded." I commented making Donna's gaze turn to me, "Well how do you feel?" Donna asked, I sighed, "You already know how I feel. You know it. We all love you so fucking much, I understand you're hurt but you have all of us." I said, such a beautiful girl...SHUT UP FRANK

~Donna's P.o.V~

I'm just gunna drop the fucking subject, I'm not getting my point across. The nurse came in and smiled at me lightly, a smile I didn't return, I just grunted and looked at the shitty scenery out the window. "You can leave as soon as you want." the nurse said politely, "Thank you very much!" Dad said happily, "We canceled a few shows to be here so the next show is in Oregon." "Why the hell would you cancel?!"I squeaked. "Cause this is more important." Mikey said holding Amy close to him, I smiled slightly, maybe people in this world do care, "Are you okay to walk?" Dad asked, I nodded and the doctor came in and took all the tubes and wires out of my skin, Dad fliched every time a needle was extracted from me. I sighed when I was 'free'. I got up and Amy handed me my leather jacket, I looked at Frank who smiled brightly, "No more cutting?" Frank asked putting up his pinky, I rolled my eyes smiling and put my pinky in his, "TO OREGON!" when we got to the there was a ton of flowers and things from fans. Dad put his arm around my arm as we drove to Oregon. "Starbucks?" Mikey asked pointing to me, "I'm to tired to get up but dad knows what I want." I said, Dad kissed the top of my head before putting on his jacket, "Frank?" Amy asked, "Nah I'm okay for right now." He said playing videogames, I giggled lightly, "Okay be right back baby." dad said kissing my forehead, I smiled up at him, they left the bus, Frank paused his game and turned to me, "How are you feeling?" he asked sitting across from me, "I'm fine." I said quietly, he fucking good, he smiled lightly, "I was really worried about you." he said putting his elbows on his knees he rested his hands under his chin, I smiled, "Well you've got nothing to be worried about now." he came and sat next to me, "I know. I trust you'll be good." he said mindlessly caressing my cheek, I squeaked lightly and looked up at him, I leant in and kissed him lightly, he, to my suprise kissed back. He held the back of my neck firmly and kissed me hard, our lips moved in unison, he groaned against my lips until we heard shouts from outside, we pulled apart quickly, his eyes wide like mine...Oh boy...AWKWARD!

The Kids From Yesterday; Frank Iero;My Chemical RomanceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora