2. Mariya...

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Hi!...this is the 2nd chapter!:D hope u like it:)

MBLAQ this is war... i love that song!:) the video is on the side.

Surprise p.o.v in this one! ;)


Chapter 2

There was twenty minutes left and we were all sitting and waiting for our gate to open. I was sat in between Lizzy and James while Mariya sat on the other side of James. They were busy being all cute and mushy again. James was whispering something in her ear that made her blush and turn her face away.

There seemed to be something off after a while she was thinking very deeply by the look on her face and James started waving his hand in front of her face saying "Mariya! Mariya!...what's wrong?"

"Huh?" Mariya said, coming out of her daze "Oh, nothing...I...I was just thinking." She stuttered.

I frowned, there was something wrong. Something was troubling her. Abruptly, I stood up. The three of them looked up. I looked at them and simply said "Going to the bathrooms then the shop."

As I walked past Mariya I sent her a look telling her to follow me...I hope she noticed. Then I carried on walking in the direction of the bathrooms.

Mariya's P.O.V

He said it again. And once again I did not know what to say. Every time James would tell me that he loves me I would blush and get confused about my feelings. I love him...I do...but, I don't know how I love him. In what way.

I looked up as someone stood up. Emily.

"Just going to the bathroom and then to the shop." Then she just carried on walking. As she went past me she sent me a look. I sighed, I know she would notice sooner or later. Emily was very observant when it came to her friends and families feelings. Especially since she rarely spoke, mostly listens and watches. I was going to have to tell her now...not that I mind.

Just as she reached the bathroom door she looked back at me again. I got up and simply said "I'll go too." Then I walked after her.

On the way to the bathrooms my mind was busy thinking about James. I loved and am glad to be married to him because I know that there are not many guys in this world who are like him. He's like...like...one in a million. That was a bit random but I did not know any other way to describe it.

"Hey," a voice said softly. "Hey!" it said much louder than before.

I blinked and came out of my daze to focus on Emily "Wha...what?...oh, sorry em...I was just...um..."

"Thinking,...yeah, I know." she finished off for me. She stared at my face for a few seconds before sighing and pulling me in to the ladies. Yeah, we were still outside the bathrooms because I was thinking too much to realize that I was stood like an idiot outside the door.

"OK." Emily started "Spill...tell me whats wrong and why you are acting weird."

The guilt came flooding back again about my feelings. I didn't know what to do. So I told her what was wrong. After I had finished explaining. I said "Emily, really james has been so sweet. He gave me a big speech the other day saying that he was going to wait for my feelings to settle and that he was not going to pressure me to say or do anything against my will. And...And, he told me he loves me.

I was crying now. Crying because I was scared to admit that I love him and in what way I love him. I'm also scared that I might hurt him, not physically but emotionally. I can't stand him being in pain like that. He didn't deserve that. He deserved better.

Emily's P.O.V

She was hurting and it was hurting me too. I don't like seeing my friends suffer. So I do everything in my power to help them...but in this case, I cant really do anything. I don't know why but that makes me feel guilty that it is my fault that i can not help her. I know it is not. It's just the way I feel.

So I just gave her a big hug and let her cry into my shoulder. I told her what i could though, that nobody was pressuring her and that she had plenty of time to sort everything out. Then I just stood there until she calmed down I am a little awkward when it comes to comforting. I just don't know what to do.

After a couple of minutes Mariya pulled away from me and wiped her eyes then frowned at my top. " I wet your top." she said, still frowning.

I smiled at her sadly and replied "It's OK, it's just a top."

"Still." She protested but I cut her off and told her to sort her face out if she didn't want James to know that she had been crying. She nodded her head and did what i told her to. Mariya never liked looking messy, she was all about neat and tidy.

She covered her eye puffiness with some make up. Now people would just look at her face and think she had an allergy.

When she was done she stood there and looked at me. "You coming?"

I shook my head. "I'll be out in a minute, you go i'm going to the shop first anyway."

"OK" She said nodding her head then leaving. I sighed and turned back to the mirror and sorting out my jacket and nearly dried royal blue sparkly top, then walked out.

Youngjae's P.O.V

Daehyun, Jongup, Zelo and Himchan had gone to the shop. So it was just me and Yonguk hyung. It was quiet because me and hyung weren't that close. We did not know what to talk about. But that was OK because as soon as the rest had gone, Yonguk had got out his phone and started playing shooting games.

We were in the sitting area. I was just watching and observing the people that walked by and someone caught my eye. A girl. She had just come through a door. I looked at her eyes. Her sparkling dark green eyes that stood out more than her other pretty features. Her slightly tanned creamy skin looked so soft ad smooth. Her height not too tall and not too short. Her clothes made her look more older and mature in age than her facial features

She was wearing blue skinny jeans, black boots and, a pinkish peach Coloured blouse. And a black blazer on top. Her blonde brown hair came past her shoulders in luscious waves. She was beautiful.

I noticed that her eyes were red, as she walked past me. May be she had an allergic reaction to something...she had been crying. And something inside me was telling me that she had been crying. Weird.

She settled down in between a guy and another girl, I couldn't really see what they looked like from here so I faced forward again just in time to see the other girl who had gone in with the green eyed one before.

This girl looked cute...in a tomboyish way. She looked like a little kid with her cute cheeks, which looked like the kind that a dimple would appear if she smiled even a little bit.

She was shorter that the other one by an inch or two. Her hair was a black brown with, from where I was sitting , looked like plum purple streaks. She had a cap pulled over her straight hair...it looked straightened.

She looked slightly Korean, but not entirely. Probably half Korean. Her eyes were definitely not brown. They looked blue? I'm not sure....anyway she was wearing some grey, black slightly loose skinny jeans that gathered at the ankles a little. A royal blue top with black gold and silver sequins around the collar that grew smaller as they spread further away from her neck. On top of that she had on a black hooded jacket with a white zip which was unzipped. A plain black winter scarf (since it was still January) around her neck and a pair of black and white converse high tops with a bit of silver diamonds decorating the side.

I watched her carefully as she sent a worried glance over to where her friends were sitting before walking in to the shop where the rest of the guys were.


Hope u liked chapter 2! :)

Please tell other people about my story!



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